What is in your vaccine? by Mary Budinger — When you buy food or supplements, there is a label that tells you something about what is in there. But normally the person who injects you with a vaccine or flu shot does not hand you the list of ingredients. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) […]
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Fluoroquinolones — worse than the disease?
December 30, 2014
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Fluoroquinolones — worse than the disease? by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — A n article in the Arizona Republic on September 17, 2014, used the above title to discuss a group of potent antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. They are one of the best-selling classes of antibiotics and are used to treat serious infections. Six fluoroquinolones are […]
Sustainable World Sourcebook: Fourth Edition
December 29, 2014
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Sustainable World Sourcebook: Fourth Edition compiled by the Sustainable World Coalition — The new 2014 edition is a “one-stop shop” to get readers up to speed quickly on the most essential information needed to alter our perilous global trajectory of resource depletion, species extinction and extreme societal inequities. Available in print, pdf and e-book versions, […]
The challenges of living gluten free
December 28, 2014
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The challenges of living gluten free by Christine Martin — We hear a lot today about gluten-free foods. Until recently, we never saw special menus in restaurants or a designated gluten-free area of the grocery store aisle. People initially may think it is a passing fad, something that medical professionals dreamed up so that businesses […]
Respecting cancer
December 27, 2014
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Respecting cancer by Dr. Paul Stallone — Certain words strike fear within every soul. Spiders, snakes and heights rank fairly high on the fear scale. However, most people would not consider the word cancer as fearful, unless they have been diagnosed with it or know someone who has. Anyone who has battled cancer or seen […]
The 5 Dharma Types: Vedic Wisdom for Discovering Your Purpose and Destiny
December 26, 2014
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The 5 Dharma Types: Vedic Wisdom for Discovering Your Purpose and Destiny by Simon Chokoisky — Have you ever wondered why, despite great obstacles, some people achieve success, while others, though given everything, seem to squander it? Or why some people, despite having very little, radiate joy, while others appear miserable though surrounded by opulence? […]
Supermarket choices impact kids’ health
December 25, 2014
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Supermarket choices impact kids’ health by Dr. Nimali Fernando — According to the United States Census Bureau, supermarkets and grocery stores are a $466 billion industry. With nearly 65,000 stores nationwide, supermarkets are designed to meet the needs of those looking for convenient foods, those who want to cook from scratch and everything in between. […]
Prevent forgetting — do not think about it twice
December 24, 2014
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Prevent forgetting — do not think about it twice by Dr. Larry F. Waldman — When we forget something, the implication is that we did not think about the item. That is a misnomer. In most cases we have, in fact, considered the item at one time or another, but we “forgot” because we failed […]
Eat healthy to avoid high-calorie foods
December 23, 2014
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Eat healthy to avoid high-calorie foods by Joanne Henning Tedesco — The holidays are a time when we tend to push our diets aside and indulge in high-calorie and high-sugar foods, but there are many other healthy choices that we can include with our holiday meals. Local farmers’ markets have wonderful winter vegetables and fruits […]
Lose Your Inches Without Losing Your Mind!
December 22, 2014
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Lose Your Inches Without Losing Your Mind! by Justine SanFilippo, MS, CHC — SanFilippo has written a practical and down-to-earth guide to shed inches in a healthy, balanced way and to keep them off — without going completely bonkers. After hitting many roadblocks and becoming frustrated with every diet she tried in an attempt to […]
Can we get the nutrients we need from our food groups?
December 21, 2014
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Can we get the nutrients we need from our food groups? by Debbie Williams — You try to do the right things nutritionally. You educate yourself, watch documentaries and click on every Facebook post regarding health. You search the Internet to find answers to keep your family healthy and even spend extra money buying organic […]
Why wait until New Year’s to change?
December 20, 2014
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Why wait until New Year’s to change? by Delilah Helton — What does the new year mean to you? Is it a time to reflect on the past year or is it a time to look forward to new beginnings and self-change? For millions of us, the first day of the year is a time […]
The Fragrance Shed by a Violet: A Novel
December 19, 2014
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The Fragrance Shed by a Violet: A Novel by Lin Wilder — In the eyes of the world, Dr. Lindsey McCall had everything — beauty, brains and a nomination for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. McCall was a woman to envy, until she was convicted of murdering her dying mother with the very experimental drugs […]
January 1, 2015
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