The work of a shaman by Joey M. Joseph — Shamans work with Earth’s energy; they recognize the life force in nature and understand the essence of the powers they possess. Their developed spiritual sight has trained them to seek answers in the invisible world that interconnects all living things. They draw upon the relationships […]
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The Sacred Ego: Making Peace with Ourselves and Our World
January 1, 2016
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The Sacred Ego: Making Peace with Ourselves and Our World by Jalaja Bonheim, Ph.D. — The book is based on Bonheim’s experience facilitating gatherings of female leaders, spiritual seekers and peacemakers worldwide, and it pinpoints the source of our conflicts and shows us how and why we keep sabotaging our own desires for peace. The […]
Primal Nutrition: Paleolithic and Ancestral Diets for Optimal Health
December 31, 2015
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Primal Nutrition: Paleolithic and Ancestral Diets for Optimal Health by Ron Schmid, N.D. — The human body’s innate mechanisms for healing and immunity extend beyond the mending of cuts and broken bones or recovery from colds and flu. Given the foods we evolved to thrive on — foods our ancestors knew well — the body […]
Why you actually need cholesterol
December 30, 2015
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Why you actually need cholesterol by Dr. Paul Stallone — There is much more to cholesterol than one might think. Most people are aware of the different forms of cholesterol. High levels of the bad type mean prescriptions and diet restrictions, while elevated good levels generally mean no changes. This may sum up what most […]
Conscious Being: Awakening to Your True Nature
December 29, 2015
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Conscious Being: Awakening to Your True Nature by TJ Woodward — Both inspiring and enlightening, this book is a compelling resource for those seeking self-realization. It serves as a guide for awakened living, which is a state of higher clarity and presence, and is a more natural condition than many are aware exists within each […]
The Soul Searcher’s Handbook: The Modern Girl’s Guide to the New Age World
December 28, 2015
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The Soul Searcher’s Handbook: The Modern Girl’s Guide to the New Age World by Emma Mildon — From aromatherapy and numerology to healing crystals and meditation, this fun and sassy guide to everything body-mind-spirit defines New Age practices for a new generation. In this illuminating introduction for the modern-day soul searcher, Mildon shines light on […]
Star of Bethlehem for shock and traumas
December 27, 2015
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Star of Bethlehem for shock and traumas by Linda M. Crider — The cheerful and encouraging Star of Bethlehem flowers open in late morning when the sun is close to being at its strongest. Dr. Bach included this plant in his 38 flower remedy healing system for its ability to ease the shock of serious […]
The Power of Surrender: Let Go and Energize Your Relationships, Success and Well-Being
December 26, 2015
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The Power of Surrender: Let Go and Energize Your Relationships, Success and Well-Being by Judith Orloff, M.D. — Are you longing for your life to be easier and more fun? Would you like to stop pushing, micromanaging and forcing things so you can relax? If you answer “yes” and desire lasting positive change, then prepare […]
Spiralize!: Transform Vegetables and Fruits from Ordinary to Extraordinary
December 25, 2015
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Spiralize!: Transform Vegetables and Fruits from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Beverly Lynn Bennett — Spiralizers are one of the most exciting kitchen gadgets to hit the culinary world. In a fraction of the time that it normally takes to cut everything by hand, home cooks can now slice and dice fresh produce quickly and creatively, […]
Reclaim your intuition for clearer guidance
December 24, 2015
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Reclaim your intuition for clearer guidance by Bill Philipps — I firmly believe that my ability as a psychic medium is a God-given gift and not just anybody can become one simply because he or she wants to. Trust me, I know many people who have tried, without success. But I do believe all people […]
Expect the Unexpected: Bringing Peace, Healing and Hope from the Other Side
December 23, 2015
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Expect the Unexpected: Bringing Peace, Healing and Hope from the Other Side by Bill Philipps — Part memoir, part spiritual exploration, part inspiring stories, the book provides wisdom, knowledge, insight and support for communicating with and tapping into spiritual realms we do not fully understand. Philipps had the kind of childhood that seems too tragic […]
Seiki Jutsu: The Practice of Non-Subtle Energy Medicine
December 22, 2015
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Seiki Jutsu: The Practice of Non-Subtle Energy Medicine by Bradford and Hillary Keeney, Ph.D.s — Seiki jutsu is the ancient Japanese shamanic art of working with seiki — concentrated life-force energy — for self-healing, revitalization, creativity and inspiration. Seiki has been called “activated and strengthened chi,” and is often described as a non-subtle energy because […]
Five steps for successful resilience
December 21, 2015
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Five steps for successful resilience by Ingrid R. Lewis — Resilience is a frame of mind. Once you make a decision to change your life, beware. All of the issues that have you feeling the way you do will present themselves in full force. Stay strong and focused. All will be well. You decided to make […]
January 2, 2016
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