by Sherry Anshara — So many ideas and concepts are attached to the idea of channeling. In the past, prophets claimed to impart wisdom from the heavens, giving or “channeling” information to the people. It is questionable if the information was ever beneficial to those who were given it — or perhaps they just did […]
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GMO News
December 16, 2012
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Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are the subject of a new documentary produced by Jeffrey Smith of the Institute for Responsible Technology. “Genetic Roulette — The Gamble of Our Lives” is an 83-minute look at how the health of Americans has noticeably deteriorated since GM crops became available to consumers in the mid-1990s. ( Medical professionals and […]
Elm for overwhelm
December 15, 2012
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by Linda Crider — A common complaint these days is that there is just too much to do and not enough time to do it in. Many of us fit in this category, and fortunately, Dr. Edward Bach anticipated such a state and included the essence of Elm in his 38 flower-remedy healing system. Interestingly, […]
Chronic pain and hormones
December 15, 2012
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — The American Academy of Pain Management reports that an estimated 50 million Americans live with chronic pain caused by disease, disorder or accident. Did you know that many chronic pain conditions and stress-related symptoms could be related to hormonal imbalance? Some common symptoms of chronic pain include stress, frustration, […]
When the game is over but pain is left
December 14, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — For most fans, football is much more than a game. It may remind them of the quality time they spent with their own fathers and teammates, or it may have been the first time they were part of a team and felt pride in something bigger than themselves. Most men […]
Find joy despite life’s obstacles
December 14, 2012
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by Bruce F. Rosen — Beneath the noise of daily life — filled with traffic congestion and sirens, incessant text messages and emails demanding answers, and obligations you are striving to fulfill — your true self is aching to experience and express joy, which is your birthright. Here are six ways to allow joy to […]
What we need to know about genetically engineered foods
December 13, 2012
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by Rose Montana — Food derived from genetically engineered (GE) crops entered the U.S. food supply sometime after 1996, the year in which the first GE crops were planted. Chemical companies, including Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow and BASF, that produce these never-before-in-the-history-of-planet-Earth organisms have succeeded in keeping most consumers in the dark regarding genetically modified organisms […]
True transformation is a five-letter word: H-E-A-R-T
December 13, 2012
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by Ronna Prince — Transformation is a big word. The first definition in the World English Dictionary states that it is “a change or alteration, especially a radical one.” You can see the radical alteration of my appearance in the before and after photos in this article. And it was indeed radical. The radical outer […]
What will motivate you?
December 12, 2012
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by Ada Porat — If you have goals that you are not making much progress on, ask yourself this question: Why do I want to accomplish them? In other words, what is the passion that drives you to work toward your goals? This form of self-questioning leads to uncovering your true passion — the secret […]
What do you mean I have to eat gluten-free?
December 12, 2012
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Switching to a gluten-free diet means making changes in your pantry, in the foods you buy and in the recipes you use. It is also a lot of trial and error, but remember, if the foods you choose are fresh vegetables or protein eaten plain, raw or cooked simply, they […]
Phoenix decides to continue water fluoridation
December 11, 2012
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by Mary Budinger — The city of Phoenix was poised to remove fluoride from the tap water of its 1.4 million residents, but when the dust settled on September 11, 2012, the decision was made to continue the status quo. Councilman Tom Simplot originally raised the issue of whether or not the city should continue […]
Mercury toxicity
December 11, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — “My neurologist will not listen to me!” I am hearing this more and more, especially when it comes to a patient- derived notion that he/she might have mercury toxicity. It seems there is a sort of medical conspiracy with respect to mercury. Lead is the favored poster child for toxicity […]
Your tattoo can make you sick
December 10, 2012
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has launched an investigation after new research turned up troubling findings about toxic chemicals in tattoo ink. The recently published studies have found that the inks being used can contain several potentially dangerous substances, including thimerosal, phthalates, lead, copper, lithium and hydrocarbons, which are known carcinogens and endocrine […]
December 16, 2012
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