Academic success for teens equals future success by Dr. Larry F. Waldman — Jason, age 14, is like most male adolescents. He is into video games, hockey and, of course, hanging out with his friends. If you ask him the classic question adults love to ask teens: What do you want to be when you […]
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The magic of perspective
October 10, 2014
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The magic of perspective by Dr. Alan Christianson — Do your remember your first car? Mine was an ancient Pontiac Bonneville nearly the length of an aircraft carrier. When I bought it, the sticker price was $600, but I had only saved up $500. My father encouraged me to buy it, but I told him […]
Burning Man: Art on Fire
October 9, 2014
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Burning Man: Art on Fire by Jennifer Raiser, photography by Sidney Erthaland and Scott London — Every August, tens of thousands of participants gather to celebrate artistic expression in Nevada’s barren Black Rock Desert. This vastly inhospitable location, called the playa, is the site of Burning Man, where, within a 9-mile fence, artists called “burners […]
Natural remedies for dry, cracked heels
October 8, 2014
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Natural remedies for dry, cracked heels by Paula Owens — The appearance of your skin, including the skin on your feet, is a reflection of what is going on internally with your health. Dry, cracked heels are a very common problem that can be embarrassing and unsightly. They are also are an indication that your […]
Tumbling towards bliss
October 7, 2014
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Tumbling towards bliss by Annie Kagan — The other day, I found an exquisite piece of sea glass while walking by the bay near my house. The glass was a clear, frosty blue, as if a piece of sky had chipped away and landed in the colorless sand. I picked it up and examined it, […]
Treating joint problems
October 6, 2014
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Treating joint problems by Dr. Larry Wilson — Joint problems, such as arthritis, are a major cause of disability around the world. The joints are one of the most delicate structures in the human body, and they take a lot of punishment. They often must be rebuilt to offset the constant wear and tear that […]
Dental Herbalism: Natural Therapies for the Mouth
October 5, 2014
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Dental Herbalism: Natural Therapies for the Mouth by Leslie M. Alexander, Ph.D., RH(AGH) and Linda A. Straub-Bruce, BSEd, RDH — Oral health is intimately linked with overall health and well-being. In this practical guide to herbal dental care, the authors detail how to use 41 safe and effective herbs for optimum oral health, prevention of […]
Simple Recipes for Joy: More than 200 Delicious Vegan Recipes
October 4, 2014
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Simple Recipes for Joy: More than 200 Delicious Vegan Recipes by Sharon Gannon — Since 1984, Jivamukti yoga has been synonymous with a new way of living peacefully, healthfully and consciously. Dedicated instructors teaching and sending the message of kindness have inspired a global revolution. In 2006, Gannon and David Life opened the Jivamuktea Café […]
Honoring Missed Motherhood: Loss, Choice and Creativity
October 3, 2014
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Honoring Missed Motherhood: Loss, Choice and Creativity by Kani Comstock in collaboration with Barbara Comstock — Millions of women go through life hiding or denying the feelings that result from the loss of a pregnancy through miscarriage or abortion, the inability to conceive, giving up a child for adoption or the choice not to have […]
In search of the good enough mother
October 2, 2014
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In search of the good enough mother by Jennifer Kunst, Ph.D.— It is that time of year again. The kids are back in school — back to all the activities and back to that relentless, unforgiving and complicated schedule in which, as a mother, you feel that you can never do anything quite right. The […]
The Emissary: A Novel
October 1, 2014
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The Emissary: A Novel by Patricia Cori — In her debut novel, Cori weaves her visionary message into a page-turning fantasy adventure that speaks to the very soul of the planet. Within minutes of one another, three bone-chilling events take place around the globe. In Los Angeles, hundreds of blackbirds drop out of the sky, […]
Love Cycles: The Five Essential Stages of Lasting Love
September 30, 2014
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Love Cycles: The Five Essential Stages of Lasting Love by Linda Carroll — Carroll presents a groundbreaking model of the five natural stages of romantic relationships — Merge, Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, Decision and Wholehearted Love — and a guide for navigating through them toward lasting love. The notions that passion always peters out, that […]
Power Goals: Nine Steps to Achieving Life-Changing Goals
September 29, 2014
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Power Goals: Nine Steps to Achieving Life-Changing Goals by Christina Skytt — Have you ever felt frustrated at not achieving your goals? Skytt introduces you to an exclusive system that has proven effective again and again for people across all industries, careers and areas of expertise. Now it is available to you. A power goal […]
October 11, 2014
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