What you eat affects your teeth by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — How does what you eat affect your dental health and overall health? This topic is a book in and of itself, but this short article reflects my approach. Consider that the tooth is the hardest structure within the human body, and once gone, it […]
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Divine Nourishment: Gluten-Free, Vegan Recipes
November 27, 2015
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Divine Nourishment: Gluten-Free, Vegan Recipes by Alberto Valdes and Carol Jaffe — Inspired by the beauty of Mother Nature’s harvest, these gluten-free, vegan recipes make food preparation a tasty and joyful adventure. From various cultures and traditions, each recipe, accompanied by beautiful full-color photographs, is intended to divinely nourish you and those with whom you […]
Time to lose that summer weight
November 26, 2015
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Time to lose that summer weight by Dr. Paul Stallone — Most people try to lose weight before the summer; however, many people who live in Phoenix during some of the hottest weather in the United States actually have to lose weight after summer ends. The intense Arizona heat drives most people indoors; when they […]
Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time
November 24, 2015
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Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time by Victoria L. Dunckley, M.D. — Increasing numbers of parents grapple with children who are acting out without obvious reason. Revved up and irritable, many of these children are diagnosed with ADHD, bipolar […]
The incredible power of music in history
November 23, 2015
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The incredible power of music in history by Jill Mattson — Throughout history, music has been used for a variety of purposes, but many of these have been forgotten and lost. Work chants were used by sailors, field workers, slaves and soldiers to increase their productivity. The musical rhythms created patterns of organization and controlled […]
Opening to Meditation: A Gentle, Guided Approach
November 21, 2015
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Opening to Meditation: A Gentle, Guided Approach by Diana Lang — Drawing on her wide experience in studying spiritual teachings from around the world, Lang has put together a gentle, guided approach to meditation that is very easy to implement. In the book, she demonstrates that meditating is as simple as breathing. There is no […]
Transform stress into serenity
November 20, 2015
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Transform stress into serenity by Leeann Carey — Let us face it, we all experience stress. Stress is the body’s way of responding to external forces and is a powerful indicator that we need to pay attention to something before serious problems occur. However, unhealthy levels of stress can delay healing and aggravate existing health […]
Shoulder Pain? The Solution and Prevention: Fourth Edition
November 18, 2015
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Shoulder Pain? The Solution and Prevention: Fourth Edition by John M. Kirsch, M.D. — Kirsch’s book outlines how to overcome and prevent shoulder pain from injury or aging. This book is the result of 25 years of research into a new and simple exercise to prevent rotator-cuff tears and impingement syndrome in the shoulder, as […]
Why am I stuck?
November 17, 2015
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Why am I stuck? by Sherry Anshara — I would like to share something that I have found truly fascinating over the years. Through the foundation of limited belief systems, you do not always have the experience to understand what is happening to you, especially from a young age. You do not necessarily have the […]
Love is Stronger Than Death: The Mystical Union of Two Souls
November 15, 2015
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Love is Stronger Than Death: The Mystical Union of Two Souls by Cynthia Bourgeault — This is a guidebook for those who are called to the path of conscious love. This powerful book, written by an Episcopal priest, tells of her intense relationship with Brother Raphael Robin, a Trappist monk and hermit. The romantic yet […]
Heartburn is not what you think
November 14, 2015
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Heartburn is not what you think by Paula Owens — Hydrochloric acid (HCL) plays an important role in digestion. It is needed to activate enzymes that breakdown protein. HCL is also required for proper pH levels, bacterial balance, a healthy microbiome and the absorption of B12, folate and many other important nutrients. HCL is our […]
Daydream Alley
November 12, 2015
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Daydream Alley by Holland Phillips — Phillips, an excellent electronic keyboardist, creates a pop, New Age instrumental sound with touches of classical and jazz. He is also a synthesizer wizard, and collects old models made from 1970 through 1990 because of their different sounds. On this fourth album, he uses the synthesizers to not only […]
Reflexology techniques for headache relief
November 11, 2015
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Reflexology techniques for headache relief by Ewald Kliegel — Reflexology provides easy techniques for one of the most common human ailments — the headache. The information here will help you banish headaches for good. The head is prone to different problems — from throbbing temples with the sensation of being trapped in a vice while […]
December 2, 2015
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