by Dr. Linda Miles — Pregnancy and childbirth can be very stressful times. The following information can help make this a less stressful, more joyous milestone in your life. 1. Do not let anxiety and stress take a toll — A growing body of research shows that, in some women, anxiety and stress lead to […]
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Using feng shui for heath, wellness and beauty
October 3, 2012
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by Deborah Thum — Most people who know about feng shui think it is simply about the placement of furniture to bring harmony into one’s life. Fewer people understand these same principles can be applied to the human body to chart the relationship between inner character and outer appearance. The principles of feng shui for […]
Yes, peace is within, but where?
October 1, 2012
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by Pragya Pradhan — Since time immemorial wise men have talked of a well-hidden secret, a sleeping beauty. It was known by many names — serpent power, which also appears on Athena’s shield, Holy Ghost in the West and kundalini in the East. Unbelievably, today that secret has been revealed. Thus, living as you are, […]
Reduce stress and strengthen your immune system
September 29, 2012
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by Sarah McLean — A healthy immune system regulates our body’s healing process and protects it against infections and diseases. When stress compromises our immune function, it can result in colds, flu, fatigue, cardiovascular disorders and premature aging — or big trips to the hospital. Stress increases heart rate, blood pressure, glucose levels, adrenaline, cortisol, […]
Balancing work and life
September 28, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Work-life balance is about finding the critical balance point between work and personal commitments. This process looks different for each person, and it looks different at various stages of life. The effects of imbalance are well-documented: frustration, anxiety, depression, and stress can overwhelm and create illness from lack of self-care and […]
School’s out for summer
September 26, 2012
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — “School’s out for summer. School’s out forever. School’s been blown to pieces.” When these lyrics were performed by Alice Cooper in 1972, school violence was a rare occurrence. The song continues with, “No more pencils. No more books. No more teacher’s dirty looks. Out for summer. Out ‘til fall. We […]
Poised between two worlds — a personal experience
September 15, 2012
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by Felicia Blasdel — I stand, awkwardly straddling two worlds. In one world there is public approval — high-tech gadgets galore and a vast array of feel-good manufactured ingestibles. Everything is outside oneself and if anything attacks, “It is not my fault.” A potion is prescribed to battle the “out there.” But I believe everything […]
Where attention goes, energy flows
September 8, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — Tuning in to your energy through focused breathing and other practices such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, or stillness and contemplation, is the beginning of healing imbalances in the mind/body. Where attention goes, energy flows; the mind begins to heal the body through intention. As you learn to listen to the […]
Beating summer fatigue
September 8, 2012
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by Dr. Jane Hendricks — It’s summer, and you may be feeling sluggish. A lack of fresh air and direct sunlight could be two important reasons why. The blinds stay closed, the AC is on and so are your sunglasses when you are outside. Habits tend to change in this extreme weather. For instance, if […]
Overcoming holiday stress
August 27, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming! How do I know? Because I am feeling such stress that I don’t know which way to go. If this is your mantra lately, stress may be the first thing that you think of as the holidays approach. Too often, the holidays are […]
Rolfing® creates change
August 27, 2012
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by D.J. Cross — In the 1960s, Dr. Ida P. Rolf said, “If you can imagine how it feels to live in a fluid, light, balanced body, free of pain, stiffness and chronic stress, at ease with yourself and Earth’s gravitational field, then you will understand the goals of Rolfing Structural Integration.” Contrary to popular […]
The Sacred Marriage of yoga and mysticism
August 16, 2012
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by Andrew Harvey and Karuna Erickson — During these challenging and stressful times, we need healing practices that can help us respond to difficulties with faith and courage and which can empower us to act with more compassion and wisdom. Yoga is such a practice. Practicing yoga with heartfelt devotion means opening up your entire […]
Recognizing and alleviating menopause
August 9, 2012
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by Dasha Trebichavska — Though many of us have been taught otherwise, menopause in not a disease; it is a normal physiological transition in a woman’s life from a reproductive to a non-reproductive age. The main problems a woman is likely to experience with menopause, with varying degrees of severity, are tiredness, lethargy, irritability, anxiety, […]
November 1, 2012
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