by Dr. Larry Wilson — Social networking sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and dozens of others allow people to stay in touch as never before. However, some people spend so much time on these sites that it begins to interfere with their lives. Psychologists are referring to this as a social networking compulsion or […]
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Profits from the inside out
July 3, 2013
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by Sheevaun O’Connor Moran — I had the opportunity to speak on this very topic at a recent event outside Washington, D.C. On my way home, I got to thinking even more deeply about the inside of our success when it comes to money, health, relationships and overall success. It has been said that it […]
Good feng shui begins at your front door
June 30, 2013
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by Joy Abrams — The art of feng shui brings together a wonderful mix of good interior design, the Chinese five element theory, Taoist principles of yin and yang based on the I-Ching and ancient folk wisdom from China. At its very core is the belief that all things on the planet are imbued with […]
Confessions of a psychic coach
May 31, 2013
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by Scott Grace — Gangway, folks! I am coming out of the closet as a psychic coach. I am tired of toe tapping and treading lightly by calling myself “extremely intuitive.” The fact is, I see auras, read chakras, hear and talk to guides — the whole nine yards. I deliver out-of-this-world messages in a […]
How to tell when someone is lying
May 27, 2013
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by Jill Mattson — People’s voices contain a wealth of information, energy and hidden messages that we can instantly access. “There is a sense within us that can understand language spoken without words,” said Sufi Master, Hazrat Inayat Khan. He advised that we can sense the evolution of a person with only one piece of […]
Healthcare decisions, decisions, decisions!
May 24, 2013
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by Mary Sanders — Making healthcare decisions is a subject people often would rather avoid. The subject of an advance directive document is so low on people’s to-do lists, one might just turn to the last page and start glancing upward. But, healthcare directives could be the most important and compassionate gift you ever provide […]
Taking care of financial clarity
May 20, 2013
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by Lucinda Lintz — There are a lot of complicated and sophisticated “things” in this world. How we deal with money and its benefits does not have to be one of them. Sometimes, the attempt to stay on top of our finances can lead to further problems and challenges, which can spill into our relationships, […]
The power of a vision
May 16, 2013
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by Dr. John Demartini — Never underestimate the power of an inspired, soul-directed vision; it is the most powerful resource you have access to. If you practice and refine your ability to tune into your vision, impossible things can happen. The rewards far outweigh the time and energy spent. While there are many people who […]
Hypnosis and self-esteem
May 15, 2013
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by Irene Conlan — Robert Burns, the Scottish poet, penned: “Oh wad some power the giftie gie us. To see oursel’s as others see us!” On a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the highest, how much do you like yourself? This question elicits responses ranging from “minus two” to the rare “10” […]
Say one thing — Do the same thing
April 23, 2013
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by Dr. Steven Patascher — Most of us want to do the right thing. Even when we succumb to temptation, most of us regret that we could not rise to the occasion and bring out our higher self. Certain of our behaviors are automatic. We do not even realize we are not acting from our […]
The rise of spiritual cinema
April 11, 2013
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by Cate Montana — The new millennium has seen a lot of social changes. One of the most inspiring is the development of a new film genre called “spiritual cinema.” Broad in its approach and content, spiritual cinema addresses issues of love, death, rebirth, evolution and the science of transformation. The depths of human psychology […]
Lunch for the girls
April 3, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Prepare the sorbet and cook the chicken the night before or at least five hours before serving. Before they arrive, put on some music, finish preparing the food, slice a loaf of great bread and enjoy the time with your friends. Fresh Grape and Sparkling Wine Sorbet Ingredients: 4 […]
Spring renewal
March 20, 2013
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by Karen S. Adams — Spring is the perfect time to review and renew your life. While the trees and flowers are budding and the grass is growing, take the time to look back objectively on the past year and see how you can make this year better. You may want to consider many things, […]
July 7, 2013
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