Acupuncture can help with weight loss by Sheri Singer — According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2009-2010), two out of every three American adults are overweight or obese. As Americans gear up to watch what they eat and hit the gym, the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine® (NCCAOM) may […]
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Acupuncture relieves symptoms of PCOS
February 14, 2015
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Acupuncture relieves symptoms of PCOS by Don Matesz — A study recently published in an online issue of the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology has found that acupuncture can relieve some of the symptoms and improve the hormone levels of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which occurs in about one in 10 women. […]
Acupuncture as an alternative to medication for arthritis and pain
December 31, 2014
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Acupuncture as an alternative to medication for arthritis and pain by Dr. Steven Cooner — Acupuncture has successfully managed patients’ arthritis pain and related symptoms for centuries, with no adverse side effects, only benefits. It is a wonderful alternative to some of the controversial medicines on the market today. The term arthritis means inflammation of […]
Allergies, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine
May 26, 2014
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Allergies, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine by Dr. Steven Cooner — As the seasons change, many people begin suffering from various allergies. With all our recent rainfall, this is an unusually lush spring, causing many of us to experience more sinus headaches, runny noses and itchy eyes than usual. These symptoms of environmental seasonal allergies […]
Which natural/integrative treatments are for you? Part I
February 21, 2014
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by Dr. Anna Nordin — A good physician will take a thorough medical history and physical examination, and perform both integrative and allopathic diagnostic tests to reach a diagnosis for his patients. Ideally, the doctor will discuss the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual contributing factors and the effects of the diagnosis. He should then […]
Seasonal allergies: A deeper look
February 14, 2014
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by Dr. Steven D. Ehrlich — Oh, to be a Kleenex salesman in spring! Or winter, fall or even summer, for that matter. There is a sneeze for every season in Arizona. As winter’s mold-producing rains fade into spring’s sun-coaxing, pollen-laden foliage … As summer’s tyrannical dust storms morph into autumn’s unique blend of mold […]
Insomnia from a Chinese medicine perspective
January 7, 2014
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by Christopher Vedeler — Lack of sleep and bad sleep habits have become epidemic. In a society that elevates activity and over-achievement to a virtue, sleep often is viewed as a luxury or even wasted time. When was the last time you slept deeply, straight through the night, to awaken alert and refreshed? For most […]
Fall back into health
November 24, 2013
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by Dr. Saman Rezaie — The summers in Arizona have a way of slowing things down. The heat keeps people indoors, which tends to bring a halt to being active. The loss of physical activity can lead to getting out of shape and can make us more prone to injuries. With the temperatures coming down […]
Self-help for irritable bowel syndrome
September 28, 2013
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by Julia Busch — Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), also called spastic colon, mucous colitis, spastic colitis, nervous stomach or irritable colon, is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders. It affects approximately 10 to 20 percent of the general population. Considered a “functional” disorder that does not damage the bowel, the condition is caused by […]
Preparing yourself for fall and winter
August 13, 2013
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by Steven Cooner — For most of us, fall and winter mean potential colds, flu, arthritic conditions, asthma, allergies and changes in sleep patterns as we respond to Mother Nature’s climatic changes. Many of us simply wait for the symptoms of illness to present themselves, and then try to deal with these indications and pathogens […]
How does acupuncture work?
August 6, 2013
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by Christopher Vedeler — One of the stumbling blocks for many Americans regarding acupuncture is a limited understanding of how it works. Acupuncture can seem mysterious, which is appealing to some, but causes resistance for others. However, acupuncture works even on those who do not believe it will work — yet we are sometimes at […]
A window into the health of your eyes
July 2, 2013
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by Annie Porter — It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. In Chinese medicine, the quality, clarity and brightness of the eyes reflect the health of your shen, which translates to mean your spirit, or the light inside you. If you have ever seen the eyes of a mentally […]
Heartburn relief — Natural alternatives to Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid
May 10, 2013
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by Dr. Julie Gorman — We often ignore the signals our bodies give us about a physical ailment. Heartburn is a prime example. Most people regard heartburn as a nuisance or an antacid deficiency and go to their doctors for stomach-acid-suppressing medications. The problem is that while these medications may provide temporary relief, they do […]
March 14, 2016
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