There is relief for headaches by Dr. Bill Gallagher — If you suffer from headaches, you are not alone. The National Headache Foundation (NHF) estimates that more than 45 million Americans have chronic, recurring headaches. The good news is that you may not need to suffer — if you understand how they are caused and […]
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Osteopathic manipulation
June 3, 2014
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Osteopathic manipulation by Dr. Glenn S. Chapman — Manipulation by a doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) is a holistic procedure. When a D.O. puts his hands on you, he is able to diagnose and treat at the same time. Low back pain, for example, may not always be caused by a blown disk. The problem could […]
Damning report on state of U.S. health care
August 28, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that Americans are living longer these days — an average of 78.2 years now — but we are sicker. Our senior years are increasingly marked by chronic illness or disability. The landmark study compared the U.S. with 34 other […]
Managing Minerals
July 10, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Minerals, from calcium and magnesium, to the trace elements such as zinc, are perhaps the single most important group of nutrients. They are required for every bodily function, from activating muscles and nerves, to digestion, energy production, and all healing and regeneration of the body. This article focuses on important […]
Teeth can cause pain in the body
May 30, 2013
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — When it comes to pain in areas of the body, such as the shoulder, low back, hip or knee, most doctors would not consider examining the mouth as a source of musculoskeletal pain. When all other treatment methods have been unsuccessful or incomplete and we still have painful joints, […]
Baby Boomers — the next 60 years
April 7, 2013
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by Dr. Bill Gallagher — Baby boomers start turning 60 years old this year (yes, some of us are only turning 42), and we have much to look back on. Ahead of us is a longer life expectancy, and with it, the time to do more. The key, of course, is staying healthy enough to […]
Biofeedback for painless feedback
March 26, 2013
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Hundreds of blood, urine, saliva and hair tests are available that can provide key answers in determining if and what malfunction your body is experiencing. While these tests can be essential in a diagnosis, all too often their results provide more questions than answers. Results vary depending on many factors […]
Football helmets and automobile accidents
March 25, 2013
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by Dr. Bill Gallagher — All too often, when patients say they were recently in an auto accident and are asked, “How are you?” they reply, “I am fine.” When asked, “How is the car?” the response is, “The car was totaled.” Maybe they have read one too many comic books or maybe they are […]
Seeing is believing when seeking results for lower back pain
January 25, 2013
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by Dr. Mike Staub and Dr. Shaun Hudson — Lower back pain is a serious health problem in the United States. Seven million Americans suffer from chronic pain and 80 percent of the general population will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. Surface electromyography (sEMG) is a recent development emerging from […]
Falling off the balance beam
January 17, 2013
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by Dr. Tom Stempel — We often hear people say, “I feel out of balance.” Usually they are referring to spiritual or emotional feelings, but if you observe them closely, you can often see that the emotional or spiritual imbalance also causes them to be out of balance physically. Tight neck or shoulder muscles may […]
A new angle on relieving old muscle tension and pain
January 3, 2013
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by Roxann Christensen — Amy could not turn her head without stirring up pain from an old gymnastic injury. Steve’s leg muscles had atrophied from his many foot injuries. Sally’s hands cramped so badly at night that the pain would wake her up. Ted was headed for carpal tunnel surgery, but wondered if there was […]
Anxiety/Panic Attacks
December 5, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Anxiety is a very uncomfortable feeling of nervousness, irritability or foreboding about the future. Panic attacks, also known as anxiety attacks, are sudden drastic increases in anxiety to the point where one may have trouble breathing, muscles tighten, the pulse rate increases, and one may collapse or even urinate or […]
Chiropractic care during pregnancy
October 25, 2012
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by Dr. Dawn Tames — Would you like to make your pregnancy and delivery more comfortable? Chiropractic care can help. It is a natural, drug-free, safe method of care, even for pregnant women. A doctor of chiropractic is thoroughly trained to understand the mechanical and neuromuscular changes that occur during the nine months of pregnancy, […]
February 1, 2015
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