by Dr. Edward C. Kondrot — Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the most common cause of irreversible blindness in people older than 65. As many as one-third of those past 65 will develop this condition. It is a slow, progressive disease that affects the central area of the retina, called the macula. This location in […]
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Combining frequency specific microcurrent and color therapy in the treatment of macular degeneration
Vibrational matching aids the healing process
January 1, 2013
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by Tara Howe — Frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) is gaining a reputation for its usefulness in many arenas. As a massage therapist who has worked within the mainstream and the complementary medical communities, I find the possibilities for FSM not only staggering but profoundly rewarding, due to the success in patient treatment outcomes. FSM has […]
Energy medicine: A complementary therapy to chronic illness
November 5, 2012
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by Malonie Gabriel — What is energy medicine and how is it different from Western medicine? Energy medicine proposes that the universe and everything in it is made up of energy. Even matter, as Albert Einstein’s formula (E=MC2) illustrates, is congealed energy. The term “subtle energy” was first used by Einstein to describe the minute, […]
Honey, have you seen my keys?
September 12, 2012
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by Dr. Martha Grout — Do you often forget where you put your car keys? How about the names of people you’ve met, or the next point in that presentation you’re making? Welcome to classic symptoms of short-term memory loss, one of the first brain functions to go as we age. Just as muscles need […]
Are you living with a four-legged Buddha?
September 11, 2012
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by Sherry Letson — In a time when more people are seeking better health and a higher level of spiritual understanding for themselves, many are also looking for good alternative care and spiritual awareness for their pets. Locally we can find massage therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, energy and herbal healing, and today more of these […]
Quantum biofeedback and energetic healing
August 17, 2012
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by Jolin Brandes — You may have experienced the energy-balancing capabilities of the quantum biofeedback, SCIO. This dynamic program has exponentially expanded to identify and clear 55 thousand more frequencies to address stress-related problems and assist your body/mind/spirit to return to health and well-being. For those of you who have not heard about the quantum […]
Ancient sounds — modern healing
August 14, 2012
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by Jill Mattson — Widely diverse theories on the nature of our universe agree on one intriguing aspect: Everything in nature has a vibrational component. Masters and visionaries throughout time — from Edgar Cayce to Stephen Hawking, mystics from Ancient Egypt and India to Deepak Chopra — share a belief in the basic tenet that, […]
The miracle of self-healing
July 24, 2012
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by Master Stephen Co — While mainstream medicine has been slow — and often outright reluctant — to accept the principles of energy medicine, some medical researchers have conducted experiments that support its basic tenets. Several fascinating investigations into the regeneration ability of simple, less-evolved life forms strongly support the notion of an energetic template. […]
Exploring the next level of healing
July 23, 2012
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by Steven Shefler — A new science is emerging that is changing our traditional understanding of healing. The latest scientific research focuses on experiments that are quantifying the effects of energy, light and information on human beings. Leading the way are two world-renowned Arizona scientists, William Tiller, Ph.D., and Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., and specifically their […]
The healing power of sound
February 28, 2012
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by Stacey Badger — Sound — it surrounds us. As long as we live in the physical world, we are in the presence of sound. Even if we do not hear sounds, we feel them as vibrations, which can move our hearts and bring us to tears. Or they can cause us to feel uneasy […]
Healing with sound: Transformative aspects of music
February 27, 2012
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by Jill Mattson — The field of sound healing is a rapidly growing discipline attracting great interest. Many of its techniques stem from ancient traditions. Cutting-edge research is also underway, which is expanding the understanding and promise of this field. An important technique in sound healing is the intricate combination and interplay of numerous musical […]
Biofeedback makes healing easy
February 27, 2012
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by Jordana Gainsworth — Suzanne Somers, actress, author and health advocate, is about to make “Ondamed” a household word. She used the Ondamed machine after she was diagnosed with breast cancer and is a big believer in its abilities. Ondamed is an FDA-approved biofeedback Class II medical device from Germany that has been used successfully […]
Speed up healing with microcurrent therapy
February 25, 2012
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by Dasha Trebichavska — Microcurrent therapy is a painless form of energy therapy, based on the principles of acupuncture. This therapy has been used by medical doctors, acupuncturists, chiropractors and others to help rid their patients of pain and discomfort, and to improve the functioning of their tissues and organs. If you experience chronic pain […]
July 16, 2013
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