by Dr. Paul Stallone — Hundreds of blood, urine, saliva and hair tests are available that can provide key answers in determining if and what malfunction your body is experiencing. While these tests can be essential in a diagnosis, all too often their results provide more questions than answers. Results vary depending on many factors […]
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Tips for biological youthing
March 10, 2013
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by Carol Keppler — Many people today are desperately trying to regain their youth through extreme means — liposuction, Botox treatments, cosmetic surgery and stomach stapling, to name a few. Unfortunately, surgeries and procedures that damage the “repair loop” traumatize the body, instantly putting a ceiling on the healing process. Hollywood stars who maintain a […]
Tapping energy
February 24, 2013
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by Vicki Bowmann, Ph.D. — For those of us who enjoyed the movie “What the Bleep,” knowing, feeling and accepting energy’s value in our lives is a common trait we share. Others, however, may need to validate things with all five senses before believing them to be possible. Our bodies have two interesting energy systems: […]
A “remarkable” case of depression and its homeopathic treatment
January 5, 2013
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by Dr. Chad Goetz — Disheveled, grumpy, but most of all sad and depressed, Samantha was at her wits’ end about how utterly miserable she perceived herself and her life circumstances to be. She was 42 years old, had never been married, had no children and had a job she despised. On top of this, […]
Home remedies for insect bites
December 18, 2012
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by Dr. Jennifer Burns — With the arrival of summer and the monsoon season come the bugs and the occasional unpleasant encounter they bring. Even if you think you have taken all the necessary precautions — bug lights, fly paper, outdoor bug repellent with DEET — there likely will be an unavoidable bite that causes […]
When the game is over but pain is left
December 14, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — For most fans, football is much more than a game. It may remind them of the quality time they spent with their own fathers and teammates, or it may have been the first time they were part of a team and felt pride in something bigger than themselves. Most men […]
Vitamins Yes, Drugs No
November 6, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Few subjects are as controversial as the value of food supplements. I used to believe, as physicians are trained to believe, that most food supplements are rarely needed, especially if one eats well. However, after extensive reading, personal experience and reports from thousands of patients, I am convinced of the […]
What is homeopathy?
October 28, 2012
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by Dr. Todd Rowe — Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that is holistic, scientifically based, safe, inexpensive and curative of chronic disease. Founded by Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., more than 200 years ago, the principles on which it is based have been utilized in healing for thousands of years. Homeopathic remedies work by activating […]
When what you know does not work for you anymore
October 14, 2012
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Did you ever watch one of those TV movies based on actual events? They always post a disclaimer that says the names have been changed to protect the innocent. […]
Are you living with a four-legged Buddha?
September 11, 2012
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by Sherry Letson — In a time when more people are seeking better health and a higher level of spiritual understanding for themselves, many are also looking for good alternative care and spiritual awareness for their pets. Locally we can find massage therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, energy and herbal healing, and today more of these […]
Using homeopathy to treat anxiety and OCD-type disorders
September 9, 2012
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by Ben Ta’ati — Short periods of anxiety may be experienced by almost everyone, but some individuals are more inclined to be troubled with this problem. Homeopathic remedies that treat acute conditions are available and can be readily purchased at most natural food stores. One of these remedies is Argentum nitricum, which is derived from […]
To drug or not to drug — ADHD revisited
September 8, 2012
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by Dr. Martha Grout and Stephanie Reese — ADHD is the most common psychological problem in children and the second most common — after depression — in adults. The effort to treat the problem with drugs has made Ritalin and Concerta the most widely prescribed drugs for kids. Even news magazines comment on the drugging […]
QXCI and energy medicine
September 8, 2012
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by Brenda Haas-Krieger — The body is an electrical system, and our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals. Homeopathy long ago acknowledged the body’s electrical properties. In fact, homeopathic remedies use diluted substances that work by way of their energetic imprint. Like homeopathy, the modern-day QXCI (Quantum Xeroid Consciousness Interface) machine treats […]
March 26, 2013
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