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Fix-it Rolfing® for specific pain

March 5, 2012

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by D.J. Cross and Deanna Melnychuk —  People tend to think of Rolfing as overall bodywork. Indeed, Rolfing is known as third-paradigm bodywork because it integrates the body, mind and spirit. But did you know that Rolfing is also a great modality to heal specific body ailments? It is the role of a Rolfer to look […]

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Rolfing® — The ins and outs

March 5, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  When we hear of Rolfing and Structural Integration, the first thought that generally comes to mind is: but it hurts, doesn’t it? Dr. Ida Rolf, over a period of 50 years, developed the method of Rolfing, which she called Structural Integration. Many dedicated rolfers have continued to advance this bodywork since […]

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Rolfing® is the answer — no matter your age

March 1, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  As we grow older, we tend to restrict our activities; our lives slow down. We sit at our computers, perform a repetitive job or play one sport (golf, for example). Usually, we forget to stretch. One day, our joints do not move as well as they did; we have lost our […]

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Rolfing® in rough times

February 28, 2012

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by Deanna Melynchuk —  For the last six months to a year, many people have been under a great deal of emotional and mental stress. Losing a job, having to relocate, children leaving home, being unable to provide a college education for your child … all these and more are stressors. As stress builds in […]

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Rolfing® and running

February 28, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  You run to stay fit and to make sure your cardiovascular system is strong. You have the best running shoes, take supplements for high energy, and have an individualized diet and specialized training. So why are you exhausted after a run? Why do your muscles feel tight? Why does your ankle […]

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Why Rolfing®?

February 27, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  If you are you living with chronic pain and have not yet done so, it pays to take the time to assess both the origin and source of the pain. Does it stem from an accident, surgery, poor posture, repetitive motions or emotional stress? Where specifically is the pain — is […]

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Rolfing® — the body plastic

February 26, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  “The body is flexible, a fluid energy field that is in a process of change from the moment of conception until the moment of death. The flesh is not a solid, dense mass; it is filled with life, consciousness and energy … The purpose of [Rolfing] is to expand the awareness […]

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Rolfing® and peak performance

February 26, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  You may have heard that Rolfing can improve your performance as a runner, and you may be wondering how this works. Before we touch on that, please note that the first step to improving your performance is to make sure you have the best running shoes; are using high-quality supplements; follow […]

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Can Rolfing® help me?

February 26, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  Rolfers are asked many interesting questions about what Rolfing can do to correct structural imbalances in the body. Following are answers to some of these questions Question: Can Rolfing help me if one hip is higher than the other and if my head thrusts forward? Body misalignment: If you stack building […]

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Rolfing™ and forward, rounded shoulders

February 25, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  Does this describe your posture — forward, rounded shoulders? Our culture seems to be producing children and young adults with this condition, which they will often take into their adult lives, creating misalignments in their body structures. Backpacks carried to school by 6-year-olds may not be heavy. However, take a look […]

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Rolfing® — the complete body makeover

February 25, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  The holiday season is upon us, and once again you will be going to parties and meeting new people. Are you concerned about how you look? Improved diet, designer clothes, a fresh haircut and a personal trainer have all enhanced your confidence level, but you still slouch and your back and […]

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Rolfing® for baby boomers

February 24, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  Baby boomers have been leading the way for years. Only now they are called senior citizens. The encouraging news is that boomers can still lead the way to better health, vitality and well-being, because there is no age limit for feeling good. These days many of you are enjoying more leisure […]

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Rolfing® and replacement surgery

February 24, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  You have just been diagnosed with “bone-on-bone,” a condition in which the cartilage has degenerated or disappeared between the bone and the joint, causing severe pain. Surgery is recommended. What happens next, after hip or knee replacement surgery? A long period of rehabilitation will be required, which probably includes intensive physical […]

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