by Valerie Corbin — Developed in Australia in the 1950’s by Tom Bowen, The Bowen Technique is a concept in healing that results in profound and lasting results. It does not come from, nor is it similar to, any other massage, bodywork or healing techniques. With this revolutionary technique, misalignments in the body find structural […]
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Treating eye problems with colored lights and acupuncture
April 20, 2013
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by Dr. Edward C. Kondrot — How can colored light applied to the skin help treat eye problems? Contrary to what you might imagine, the answer is tied to the familiar Chinese system of medicine called acupuncture. The Chinese have observed that energy, or chi, travels through the body in specific meridians, located near the […]
BodyTalk: the medicine of the future
April 10, 2013
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by Michael Davis and Jeff Goodman — If you could contact the innate, inborn wisdom of your body, what would you ask it? Would you listen? BodyTalk provides just such an opportunity. Utilizing a neuromuscular biofeedback technique, the BodyTalk practitioner literally talks to the body, accessing its health priorities directly through the mind/body complex. Since […]
Surround yourself with love
April 5, 2013
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by Robyn Nola — Roses have always symbolized love. The name of this image is The Rose Quartz Rose. This pink rose reminded me of rose quartz — the stone of unconditional love and compassion. The pink rose helps open our hearts to the divine love awaiting us all. It also stands for compassion, and […]
Biofeedback for painless feedback
March 26, 2013
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Hundreds of blood, urine, saliva and hair tests are available that can provide key answers in determining if and what malfunction your body is experiencing. While these tests can be essential in a diagnosis, all too often their results provide more questions than answers. Results vary depending on many factors […]
Satin-spar selenite: A healing crystal of the future
March 14, 2013
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by Leslee J. Klinsky — Satin-spar selenite, a little-known and underutilized crystal, contains all the positive qualities of quartz crystal’s healing power and protection without any of the negatives. In mythology, it is said to have been a major healing tool, record keeper and energy generator in Atlantis. Whether or not you believe in Atlantis, […]
Do I love my pain?
March 13, 2013
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by Dr. Tom Stempel — Pain is a message from your body telling you something is wrong or out of balance. It often originates in your emotions or spirit. We each have a place where we hold stress or tension; frequently, it’s in the shoulders or back muscles, which can result in a headache, stiff […]
Tips for biological youthing
March 10, 2013
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by Carol Keppler — Many people today are desperately trying to regain their youth through extreme means — liposuction, Botox treatments, cosmetic surgery and stomach stapling, to name a few. Unfortunately, surgeries and procedures that damage the “repair loop” traumatize the body, instantly putting a ceiling on the healing process. Hollywood stars who maintain a […]
Pellowah Healing — A powerful teaching from Australia
March 9, 2013
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by Linda Benn — The Pellowah Healing Technique, described as a radical shift in consciousness, was first taught only two years ago. The technique was channeled from Spirit to an Australian woman, Kachina Ma’an. An extremely gifted and experienced spiritual channel, she has dedicated her life to Spirit and the spiritual evolution of humankind. Pellowah […]
Feng shui and the Valley
February 7, 2013
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by Denise A. Liotta — Almost everyone has heard of feng shui, but why do business moguls Steve Wynn and Donald Trump use it? Simple: because it works and it sells. Steve Wynn, the Las Vegas mega-builder, has used a feng shui master from Hong Kong for many years to help him build his hotels […]
Seeing is believing when seeking results for lower back pain
January 25, 2013
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by Dr. Mike Staub and Dr. Shaun Hudson — Lower back pain is a serious health problem in the United States. Seven million Americans suffer from chronic pain and 80 percent of the general population will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. Surface electromyography (sEMG) is a recent development emerging from […]
Falling off the balance beam
January 17, 2013
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by Dr. Tom Stempel — We often hear people say, “I feel out of balance.” Usually they are referring to spiritual or emotional feelings, but if you observe them closely, you can often see that the emotional or spiritual imbalance also causes them to be out of balance physically. Tight neck or shoulder muscles may […]
Vibrational matching aids the healing process
January 1, 2013
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by Tara Howe — Frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) is gaining a reputation for its usefulness in many arenas. As a massage therapist who has worked within the mainstream and the complementary medical communities, I find the possibilities for FSM not only staggering but profoundly rewarding, due to the success in patient treatment outcomes. FSM has […]
May 5, 2013
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