Tumbling towards bliss by Annie Kagan — The other day, I found an exquisite piece of sea glass while walking by the bay near my house. The glass was a clear, frosty blue, as if a piece of sky had chipped away and landed in the colorless sand. I picked it up and examined it, […]
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Eight tips for increasing joy
October 25, 2013
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by Nancie M. Barwick — For some people, the experience of joy is foreign. Perhaps they have not felt joyful in some time or, for whatever reason, they may believe there is no cause for joy. They may be so comfortable with depression or sadness that they feel it would be inappropriate to feel joy. […]
What is the definition of a “poor” millionaire?
September 6, 2013
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by Dr. John Demartini — Results of a recent news poll conducted for the Australian Institute found that 62 percent of Australians, including 48 percent of the richest 20 percent, believe they cannot afford to buy everything they really need. Among those who live in households with an income of more than $100,000, fewer than […]
Establishing a regular yoga practice
July 22, 2013
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by Kathleen Bryant — You arrive home from your weekly yoga class, feeling blissful. The next morning, the alarm rings, you jump out of bed and it is off to work. You are a little sore from class the night before, but you still feel great. By the end of the day, you are plain […]
The magic of life — it’s all about love
May 28, 2013
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by Eva-Maria Mora — Many people ask what is my life’s purpose and what am I supposed to be doing? The answer is fairly simple — we are all here to experience love in all its facets, examine it from all sides, and enjoy the bliss, happiness and ecstasy of what love can be. Yet, […]
Laughter and Haha Yoga
May 10, 2013
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by Wayne H. Purdin — Scientists have found that laughter decreases the level of immunosuppressive hormones in the blood, while boosting the number of white blood cells that fight free radicals and tumor cells. Laughter also increases serotonin, which produces a natural high, provides a mini-aerobic workout, massages muscles, decreases pain and diverts the mind […]
Walking through the wall of fear
April 12, 2013
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by Sandy Jones — When you think about fear, what comes to mind? Jumping out of the way of an oncoming train? Walking down a dark alley at night, or a very bumpy ride in an airplane? What about the kind of fear that stops you from calling about that job you saw advertised in […]
Classy but sassy — A new hair outlook for spring
March 19, 2013
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by Johnny G — People always ask, “What is the latest trend in hair styles?” and “What kind of style looks good on me?” Spring is just about upon us, and the time may be right to begin thinking about a new look. Very simply, the style and color that will be in fashion this […]
Let wisdom work
March 17, 2013
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by Katie Davis — A radical opportunity exists for all of us — recognizing the key to world transformation is an inner power. The question is, “What are we willing to surrender to let wisdom work?” Ramana Maharshi, a revered sage of modern India, wrote, “By your grace alone, my heart lotus blossoms. Then, I […]
Fame, pedestals and power
March 16, 2013
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by Scott Kalechstein — Hello and welcome to my narcissistic fantasy world. Lucky you, finding the words of this famous writer, a self-realized being and expert on the deep subjects that have somehow eluded you till now, you poor sap. I know secrets about living life fully that you would do well to learn. I […]
The Fun Police
March 9, 2013
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by Scott Kalechstein — I have come to believe that how much joy I experience in any given moment pretty much boils down to how much permission I give myself to have that joy. Sounds simple enough, but for many of us, after a lifetime of withholding permission from ourselves, we might notice some subtle […]
Happiness, a state of mind
March 3, 2013
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by Patricia Rutledge, Ph.D. — An epidemic of boredom surges through the nation. Teens and young adults are most prone to this self-perpetuating condition, but therapists are finding many adults lingering in the realm of boredom, too jaded to seek excitement or happiness — giving up. As a whole, we have seen and experienced all […]
Finding your soul purpose
January 15, 2013
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by Ada Porat — Why is it that some people enjoy success and abundance, while others continually seem to struggle? The answer lies within us — at the core of each individual. Each of us has an inner compass that steers us toward certain outcomes in life. For some, that compass is set for success, […]
October 7, 2014
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