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Factors to consider when providing caregiving at home

October 2, 2012

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by David Mitchell —  Consider these different scenarios: After a hip fracture, your mother has trouble getting around and she never gets back to her old self. The doctors say your father has Alzheimer’s disease. Your aunt decides not to undergo further treatment for her cancer, and she is expected to live only about six […]

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There is no such thing as attack

September 30, 2012

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by Dr. John F. Demartini —  I  once lived in a house overlooking the beach near Del Mar, Calif. One day I walked into a health food store and overheard a gentleman talking about philosophy. I could not resist the opportunity, so I sat down with him for a discussion. He was a master of […]

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You must halt energetic eating to lose weight

September 29, 2012

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by Dr. Judith Orloff —  There is more to overeating and obesity than meets the eye. One big reason that many diets fail is that traditional weight-loss programs do not factor in the way we process subtle energy, or what Chinese medicine refers to as life force or chi. Subtle energy penetrates and surrounds the […]

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Family function or dysfunction — your choice

September 23, 2012

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by Dr. John F. Demartini —  When you consider balance in your life, one of the first places to look is the fundamental social dynamic called the family, to see whether function or dysfunction, order or disorder, reigns. Though a superficial glance might seem to reveal that many, if not most families are dysfunctional, when […]

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Using the inner adult to make lasting life changes

September 20, 2012

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by Ada Porat —  We all dream of improving our lives — and most often we want to see results, now! This makes us vulnerable to schemes that promise weight loss without proper diet or exercise, or that we can become millionaires while working only a few hours a day. Why are we susceptible to […]

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The setup: A turning point

September 20, 2012

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by Sherry Anshara —  Sometimes along your journey, an incident, an experience or a situation arises that appears to be beyond your own ideas or perceptions about your life. The usual question we ask is, “What is going on here?” What is going on is an opportunity you have created, consciously or unconsciously, to challenge […]

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Blocks, detours and reversals

September 19, 2012

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by Linda Williams —  As you speed along in your day-to-day life, are you usually running down to the wire for whatever commitment you are trying to meet? If you hit construction traffic, roadblocks or detours, do you feel your stress level rising? You may think, “If only I had left earlier.” Perhaps you make […]

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Kids as teachers

September 18, 2012

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by Mary M. Ernsberger —  Children are our greatest teachers, because kids see, hear and feel things that adults do not. If you want to know what is going on in a room, watch the children and their reflection of the behaviors occurring around them. Because children have not developed the verbal skills to describe […]

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Preparing for a thanks-giving dinner

September 6, 2012

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by Khayriyyah Savannah —  As the holiday season approaches, you may be stocking the pantry with extra goodies and arranging your home to accommodate family gatherings. It’s a good practice to also give thanks for the time you will spend with your loved ones. Recognizing that these busy, stressful times can contribute to strains in […]

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10 winning weight-loss tips from a big loser

September 6, 2012

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by Jennette Fulda —  Statistics on obesity in this country are staggering. Our nation is suffering from high incidences of obesity-related diseases while we are bombarded with super-sized portions at restaurants and, simultaneously, a multitude of fad diets. The messages are confusing at best and have made my shedding nearly 200 pounds in three years […]

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Three easy ways to make a decision

August 30, 2012

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by Nathalie Ekobo —  At one time or another, we all probably have had a hard time making a decision. We weigh the pros and cons of an opportunity, mull them over and over again, and frequently overanalyze them. By the time we are ready to decide and move forward, the opportunity is long gone. […]

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Dare to connect

August 29, 2012

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by Rochelle Sparrow —  The recent opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics started with a bang of cascading fireworks, shining light into the night for all nations to witness. It was a testimony to our ability to come together. On television we saw faces of different colors and nations with strong, centuries-old political differences now […]

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Overcoming holiday stress

August 27, 2012

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by Joy Abrams —  The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming! How do I know? Because I am feeling such stress that I don’t know which way to go. If this is your mantra lately, stress may be the first thing that you think of as the holidays approach. Too often, the holidays are […]

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