by Joy Abrams — If you are an avid reader and love the adventure and informative nature of books, you likely want to display them. The question so often asked is, “Where should I put all of my books?” The place to put them is on the left side of the entrance to your room […]
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Journal Entry, February 1: Listening to a juniper
April 26, 2013
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by Larry Lindahl — The trail rounds a bend and opens out onto a broad bench of solid sandstone — one of a rising series of smoothly eroded terraces. Near the middle of the rock slope, I angle up and begin to climb. The view opens up behind me as I ascend from one terrace […]
Of fishbowls and boxes
April 18, 2013
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by Scott Kalechstein — When I was a kid, I had pet goldfish. When it was time to clean their bowl, we would put the fish into a large bathtub. I was always curious about why they would continue to swim in the same small circumference, as if they were still in their little bowl. […]
Creating a prosperity journal
April 5, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — If you look up the individual words in the phrase “creating a prosperity journal” in the dictionary, it says: Creating — to cause to exist; originate; to bring about; produce. Prosperity — financial success or well-being. Journal — a daily record of occurrences or transactions. Creating a personal prosperity journal will […]
Lunch for the girls
April 3, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Prepare the sorbet and cook the chicken the night before or at least five hours before serving. Before they arrive, put on some music, finish preparing the food, slice a loaf of great bread and enjoy the time with your friends. Fresh Grape and Sparkling Wine Sorbet Ingredients: 4 […]
The colors of creativity
April 1, 2013
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by Shelia Eastman — I love being creative every day. All my life I have been told I am very creative. For that matter, I often have too many ideas, which makes it hard to stop the flow. But I believe that everyone, with a little practice, can and should be over-the-top creative. You often […]
Spring renewal
March 20, 2013
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by Karen S. Adams — Spring is the perfect time to review and renew your life. While the trees and flowers are budding and the grass is growing, take the time to look back objectively on the past year and see how you can make this year better. You may want to consider many things, […]
Classy but sassy — A new hair outlook for spring
March 19, 2013
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by Johnny G — People always ask, “What is the latest trend in hair styles?” and “What kind of style looks good on me?” Spring is just about upon us, and the time may be right to begin thinking about a new look. Very simply, the style and color that will be in fashion this […]
Rewriting the 3 R’s
March 18, 2013
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — Our focus with regard to the education of American children has shifted dramatically in the last 10 to 15 years. Gone are the days when we highlighted and expanded our children’s skills, dreams and creative ways of learning. Now children are taught from the earliest grades how to score well […]
Fame, pedestals and power
March 16, 2013
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by Scott Kalechstein — Hello and welcome to my narcissistic fantasy world. Lucky you, finding the words of this famous writer, a self-realized being and expert on the deep subjects that have somehow eluded you till now, you poor sap. I know secrets about living life fully that you would do well to learn. I […]
Rock on, Stones
March 12, 2013
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by Dannette Hunnel — While daydreaming through the drudgery of my workout one recent afternoon, one of my favorite Rolling Stones songs came on the radio. I, lacking the stamina of days gone by, noticed the song gave me that little extra pep to get through the last few minutes on the treadmill. Once again, […]
The Fun Police
March 9, 2013
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by Scott Kalechstein — I have come to believe that how much joy I experience in any given moment pretty much boils down to how much permission I give myself to have that joy. Sounds simple enough, but for many of us, after a lifetime of withholding permission from ourselves, we might notice some subtle […]
17 tips on keeping a journal or diary
February 27, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — Whether you already keep a journal or want to start, here are some ideas and tips to help you with your journaling. 1. New to keeping a journal? Start with writing, “Today, I am grateful for …” and fill in the blank with what you are grateful for. 2. Write in […]
May 7, 2013
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