by Todd S. Smith — New Year’s Day may have come and gone, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make some resolutions to improve your finances. Taking care of your financial business early in the year could help keep your finances in shape for this year and beyond. Here are five things to do now […]
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Making powerful decisions
April 12, 2012
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by Ada Porat — “Every option seems to have a down side. How do I know which is best? I just do not know what to do,” a friend recently complained. She was caught in a quandary. After losing a well-paying job and pounding the pavement for months to find another, an excellent opportunity came […]
Ambivalence: the Universe and the Multiverse
March 1, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — Wishy-washy; on the fence; cannot make up your mind; what to do, what to do? This is a form of procrastination and the things you say when you are unsure of yourself. In turn, you are also telling the Universe, as well as the multi-faceted Multiverse (the aggregate of all existing […]
Signs of depression
March 1, 2012
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Depression can manifest differently in different people, causing sadness and a loss of interest in once pleasurable activities. Symptoms used to diagnose depression are the same regardless of gender, although complaints vary from person to person. Fatigue — Depressed people undergo a series of physical and emotional changes, including fatigue and psychomotor retardation, which is […]
Small steps to big dreams
March 1, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Many success coaches and motivational speakers tell you to think big. They tell you to create a big vision in order to succeed. And I agree — thinking big is necessary to accomplish big things. At the same time, even big things are made up of multiple smaller components, and so […]
The positive negative side of polarity
February 29, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — The story goes that positive is good and negative is bad. Yet, how can this be true if our bodies have both positive and negative polarities? Indeed, the positive and negative poles work in unison with our body to keep it balanced. Think about how good it feels to swim in […]
Unlock your potential with the V-Plus
February 28, 2012
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by Jolin Brandes with Deanna Melnychuk — Everything in the physical universe is made of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Scientists believe that humanity, with all its wisdom, has dumped more than 60,000 man-made toxic chemicals into our air, food and water. We also have surrounded ourselves with electronic technology that produces electromagnetic fields. […]
Stop seeking life — start finding it
February 25, 2012
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by Steven Bond — Contrary to what you might think, you are actually better off eradicating the notion that you can control your future by manipulating events or circumstances. Control of one’s future by manipulating outcomes simply does not work. The truth is that it is not your place to be a master manipulator. In […]
Focus versus worry
February 25, 2012
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by Edward Aldama — Do you worry about the economy and your job? Are you constantly thinking that germs might make you sick? Do the demands of work and family obligations keep you up at night? Everybody has worries from time to time. But when those worries keep you from taking the necessary actions to […]
Do you control your thoughts or do they control you?
February 25, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — Think about your thoughts. Where do they lead you? Do you let them help you soar to new heights? Or do you allow them to control your mind, attitudes, emotions, desires and decisions in a negative way? Consider some of the scenarios below, and see if you can relate to them. […]
Understanding the zodiac can improve your business
February 24, 2012
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by Judy Smith — Astrology is invaluable in all aspects of life — from predicting personalities to business management. A calendar was designed to identify the basic cycles of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars. It was divided into 12 months, based on the moon’s 12 cycles during a year. While most often used as […]
Tap your inner wisdom with Cerato
February 23, 2012
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by Linda Crider — In these uncertain times, many of us are faced with difficult choices that will have a significant impact for decades to come. Although Dr. Edward Bach lived during what we now consider to be a more stable era by comparison, he recognized how indecisiveness can upset our emotional balance. In fact, […]
July 18, 2012
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