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Treating infertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine and pelvic exercises

January 22, 2013

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by Dasha Trebichavsk —  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) employs a broad spectrum of treatment modalities including herbs, acupuncture and bodywork, as well as dietary and lifestyle adjustments. One of its least commonly advertised uses is in the field of infertility. Successful treatment of infertility dates back in China to the Sui Dynasty (589 CE). Chinese […]

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Finding your soul purpose

January 15, 2013

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by Ada Porat —  Why is it that some people enjoy success and abundance, while others continually seem to struggle? The answer lies within us — at the core of each individual. Each of us has an inner compass that steers us toward certain outcomes in life. For some, that compass is set for success, […]

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Resolutions vs. transformation

January 15, 2013

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by David Kuehl —  At the beginning of each new year, many of us vow to change some aspect of our life that we find uncomfortable or feel we no longer need. Whether it is our weight, our job, our relationships or our personal habits, we make a commitment to change these things in order to […]

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Appreciation and love for nature

January 14, 2013

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by Robyn Nola —  When did you last take the time to appreciate a tree, or even a leaf? With just a quick walk outside, you’ll begin to notice how much healing from nature surrounds us everyday. Mother Nature has so many healing gifts for us. Soak in and appreciate all the magnificence that is […]

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Self-leadership for spiritual growth and happiness

January 12, 2013

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by Patricia Raya —  Most of us, in one capacity or another, have been involved with or taken a workshop on leadership development. Typically, participants are taught strategies for communication, team development, motivation, conflict resolution and vision planning. All of this is helpful; I have been teaching those strategies for 30 years. However, there is […]

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A comprehensive approach to cancer treatment

January 10, 2013

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by Dr. Charles Schwengel —  Cancer is a complex process to understand and treat. There are many types of cancer, each with its own set of predisposing factors, growth rates and treatment options. What is common to all is the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells which endangers healthy tissues and functions. These uncontrolled growths of […]

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Emotions are contagious

January 8, 2013

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by Kathy Gates —  The crying could be heard all the way outside. When I walked into the house, I saw my mother and my sister holding her screaming baby. All of them were tense and frustrated. I took the baby, patted him, whispered to him and cuddled him. Within minutes, he was quiet. The […]

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What is true success?

January 6, 2013

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by Cary Bailen —  We are bombarded every day with society’s definition of success — a thin body, lots of money, a high-ranking job, graduating college, achieving the status of a professional athlete or actor, or maybe even touching the moon. These are all successful and important achievements in life; nevertheless, they are of the […]

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A “remarkable” case of depression and its homeopathic treatment

January 5, 2013

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by Dr. Chad Goetz —  Disheveled, grumpy, but most of all sad and depressed, Samantha was at her wits’ end about how utterly miserable she perceived herself and her life circumstances to be. She was 42 years old, had never been married, had no children and had a job she despised. On top of this, […]

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Compassionate self-care

December 23, 2012

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by Sandy Jones —  In this world, we are busy. We get up, get the kids off to school, get ready for work, drive through traffic, get to the office, step into the business world and work hard. At the end of the day, we come home, take care of everyone’s needs, make dinner and […]

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Imbibe sunshine for a natural high

December 21, 2012

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by Wayne Purdin —  What is it about the setting sun? We have all seen it countless times in movies, read about it in novels and, perhaps, experienced it in our own lives. Two lovers drink in a gorgeous sunset, then turn to gaze into each others’ eyes — the perfect moment for a first […]

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Are you waiting, waiting, waiting?

December 18, 2012

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by Kathy Gates —  This week, as I sat on the phone with tech support, I thought over and over of the things I could have done while I sat there — waiting, and not living my life. Are you “on hold” in your life? Are you waiting for a spouse to come along, or […]

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Forgiveness — the great karma cleanser

December 17, 2012

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by Scott Kalechstein — When I was a boy, I was quite the troublemaker. I would invite my more demonic friends over for a Saturday afternoon of creative hell-raising, and we would go downstairs into the recreation room. I would tell my parents we were playing Monopoly, or some other innocent activity. We then proceeded […]

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