by Scott Kalechstein — On July 13, 2006, a front-page article in the New York Times caught my eye. The headline read, “Paralyzed Man Uses Thoughts to Move a Cursor.” The story described how, after neuroscientists had implanted a small sensor in his brain, a man had learned to use his thoughts and intentions to […]
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Your amuse system lightens the workload
November 23, 2012
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by Karen Lee — According to Jody Urquhart, an expert in the field of humor and health, fun is productive. Imagine a work world where people love their work environment, and they are calm, stress-free and happy all day long. People who are in good spirits are more likely to be productive. Their mental attitude […]
Gremlin Day Care Center
October 19, 2012
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by Morgana Rae — It is a new year, so why not take a holiday from your “gremlin?” You know that nasty inner critic that tells you that you are not good enough? The one constantly detailing the reasons you cannot have the love/wealth/success/happiness you want, and encouraging you to procrastinate? Who dismisses your accomplishments? […]
On multitasking, multi-personalities and the inner jouney
October 16, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — Author’s note: The following is a true story — except for the parts I made up. Yippee! I’m driving home with a laptop computer. True to its name, it sits on my lap as I mostly keep my eyes on the road. My thoughts and feelings turn to the lack of […]
From bags to riches
October 8, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — “Nylon jumbo laundry bags! Machine washable! Water resistant!” Uttered at the top of my vocal volume range, these words were my money mantra for seven years while I worked the sidewalks of New York City as an unlicensed, self-employed street peddler. You could say I was into MLM Sales (Maximum Lung […]
The bigger secret
September 26, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — The Secret is out, way out. Those who have been entrenched in feelings of powerlessness are finding their mojo by applying its principles. Yay to the setting of intentions, to the power of positive thinking, and to the wondrous law of attraction! Yay to manifesting a perfect soul mate, to the […]
Slowly is holy
September 17, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — We are seeing a lot of interest these days in slowing down the aging process. We take human growth hormones and state-of-the-art vitamins. We take power walks and veggie juices. But how many of us take our time? There is a new time-release, super-food-for-thought supplement I’ve been chewing on lately: “The […]
The seven habits of highly dramatic people
September 10, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — Do gratitude, contentment and inner peace sometimes creep up on you and undermine your ability to indulge your anxiety? Here’s a quick and handy two-step process to make sure you get your M.D.R. (minimum daily requirements) of worry and chaos. Step One: Believe and act like your safety, security and happiness […]
Finding my life purpose in a cabbage patch
September 5, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — Many of us are searching near and far for a sense of purpose, a set of unmistakable marching orders from the divine or how we are to make a meaningful difference in the world with our unique set of gifts and talents. I found my life purpose one evening in 1992, […]
Are you stuck in wait mode?
September 3, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — Ever notice how people are always waiting for something to happen? Waiting to be happy; waiting to lose weight; waiting for the perfect time; waiting for their ship to come in; waiting for the ax to fall; or waiting to win the lottery. Some are even waiting for the world to […]
The quantum leap
August 29, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — Ever since I was a teenager, I have been a seeker, a student of truth, wisdom and healing. Seeking, which lit a fire under my behind for many years, eventually became an identity, a hiding place, and a wheelchair that I was sitting in to avoid walking my talk and expressing […]
The terror-list
August 24, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — In a cave between my ears there hides a terrorist who has been waging a holy war for a very long time. He believes that using force and fear tactics are justified and that holding my inner child hostage is the only way to create real change and growth. He presents […]
In-the-body experiences
August 7, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — As I write this, I am in the seventh month of a one-year intuitive training program with a school that teaches psychic and spiritual development. What I am mostly learning there has to do with being grounded in and present to my body. While practicing my tools, I am enjoying my […]
November 30, 2012
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