by Linda Crider — When Dr. Edward Bach was in the process of creating his 38 flower remedy healing system, he relied heavily on his keen intuition and insight into human nature. He also believed that the appearance of a plant often presents clues as to how it might benefit people. This is certainly the […]
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Living from your truth: The key to authenticity
June 9, 2013
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by Ada Porat — Your core obligation in life is to be true to yourself. Being truthful with others requires being truthful with yourself first. This means that you need to align with your inner truth so you can stand in integrity. And when you stand in integrity, you are powerful — your words carry […]
The answers are in the questions
June 8, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — In the past several months, have you noticed that people seem to be asking the same or similar types of questions? Whether or not it is in business, personal or even general discussion, people seem to be asking questions, such as: Why am I feeling so tired?; Why do I feel […]
Rosemary — A great addition to your food
May 18, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Rosemary grows on a small evergreen shrub belonging to the Labiatae family, and is related to mint. The tops of its leaves look like flat, deep green pine-tree needles, while they are silver-white on their underside. Rosemary’s memorable flavor and unique health benefits make it an indispensable herb for every […]
Eight keys to lasting love
May 14, 2013
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by Dr. Linda Miles — While reading a fairy tale to my 5-year-old granddaughter, I was very disturbed by the phrase, “And they lived happily ever after.” So, I took the liberty of changing the ending to, “They began the work of creating a very good marriage.” I did not want my granddaughter to grow […]
Great expectations
May 11, 2013
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by Sandy Jones — Have you ever gone shopping for a particular item with a vision firmly planted in your mind of what it looks like, feels like or even tastes like? But what happens next? If your experience has been like mine, most of the time you never find it. When we become so […]
Books and feng shui
May 7, 2013
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by Joy Abrams — If you are an avid reader and love the adventure and informative nature of books, you likely want to display them. The question so often asked is, “Where should I put all of my books?” The place to put them is on the left side of the entrance to your room […]
Discarding illusions to find a state of balanced love
April 20, 2013
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by Dr. John Demartini — Imagine you were dating or married to someone who only said, “I think you’re wonderful. You are always right. Can I do anything for you? You are the best there is, and anyone who cannot see that is crazy. You are perfect exactly the way you are.” You might initially […]
Surround yourself with love
April 5, 2013
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by Robyn Nola — Roses have always symbolized love. The name of this image is The Rose Quartz Rose. This pink rose reminded me of rose quartz — the stone of unconditional love and compassion. The pink rose helps open our hearts to the divine love awaiting us all. It also stands for compassion, and […]
It is no secret
March 19, 2013
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by Kathy Gates — When you were a teenager, did you always sit as close to the back of the room as you could in class or church or even at the movies? Most of us did, probably to avoid the attention of teachers or other adults. And as you grew older, did you find […]
Music therapy: A peaceful revolution
March 16, 2013
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by Sam Pasco — We all know that we are exposed to more excessive noise today than at any other time in history. Modern life can seem like an ongoing struggle to rise above the din. Home life fills our ears with barking dogs, air conditioning units, televisions, boom boxes and the kitchen vent-a-hood. What […]
The drum
March 15, 2013
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by Suzette “Medicine Drum” — The drum is one of the most ancient musical instruments and the most important tool of the Shaman. It is used for meditating, healing, grounding, journeying, centering and dancing. It protects, expands one’s consciousness, cleanses people and dwellings of negative energies, and invokes guides and spirits. The reason the drum […]
Seven steps to mental mastery
March 11, 2013
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by Ada Porat — How can we harness our thinking processes to better guarantee success? Here are a few powerful steps to align, reinforce and energize your mental attitude. Banish ordinary thinking — Brilliance is unleashed when we think beyond the box. Allow your amazing ideas to start percolating and show you innovative new ways […]
June 17, 2013
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