by Dr. Barbara Hare — Have you ever said yes to something you really did not want to do? Setting boundaries is an important part of managing stress. You have a finite amount of time and energy to give in any single day, and if you do not protect it, no one else will. Sometimes […]
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The gateway of grace
October 4, 2012
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by Rochelle Sparrow — Many people wonder how to let go of the past mistakes they feel they made in their lives. Some say they dwell on memories of these errors in an effort to continue punishing themselves with guilt. They have an intellectual understanding that these thoughts are unhealthy, but they find it difficult […]
Hypnosis to quit smoking
October 4, 2012
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by Michelina Harding — While most of us understand the risks and dangers associated with smoking, we don’t all understand the reason most people continue to smoke. Most smokers know that by stopping they will save several thousand dollars a year and are aware that they could add years to their life. Most also realize […]
“Rolfing saved my life”
October 2, 2012
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by Deanna Melnychuk — The headline sounds melodramatic, doesn’t it? But this refrain is heard from rolfing patients, time and again. Saving my life can mean jogging without pain for a morning athlete, skiing on one’s 60th birthday instead of walking with a cane, moving with flexibility and ease for a senior citizen, running without […]
Chronic stress and adaptogens
October 2, 2012
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by Julia Busch — Excessive, prolonged stress can raise cortisol, our body’s “fight-or-flight” hormone, to highly toxic levels. Intended for spurts of extra energy in times of physical danger or psychological stress, cortisol has become the “stress hormone,” a silent killer in our high-pressure lifestyle. High ongoing levels of cortisol in the bloodstream can relentlessly […]
Music — A doorway to the soul and a harmonic path to healing
October 1, 2012
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by Dudley Evenson — All cultures on every part of the planet, from ancient times to this day, have used music in some way to lift the spirit and to enhance the healing process. Music, because of its nature, is a link between the external and internal worlds, a bridge to the spirit and a doorway […]
How to find relief from hemorrhoids
October 1, 2012
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by Dr. Jennifer Burns — More than 30 million people in this country are asking, “How do I get rid of my hemorrhoids?” Two different types of hemorrhoids, external and internal, are the source of great aggravation for many. Both come with varying signs, symptoms and degrees of severity. Hemorrhoids can result from several different […]
Reduce stress and strengthen your immune system
September 29, 2012
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by Sarah McLean — A healthy immune system regulates our body’s healing process and protects it against infections and diseases. When stress compromises our immune function, it can result in colds, flu, fatigue, cardiovascular disorders and premature aging — or big trips to the hospital. Stress increases heart rate, blood pressure, glucose levels, adrenaline, cortisol, […]
Balancing work and life
September 28, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Work-life balance is about finding the critical balance point between work and personal commitments. This process looks different for each person, and it looks different at various stages of life. The effects of imbalance are well-documented: frustration, anxiety, depression, and stress can overwhelm and create illness from lack of self-care and […]
Grieving when bad things happen
September 28, 2012
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by Rochelle Sparrow — There is no making sense of the tragedy that occurred in May at Virginia Tech. There is no making sense of what occurs inside a person who cannot feel for another person, and will murder or commit hideous crimes. As humans, in our quest to have our world make sense, we […]
School’s out for summer
September 26, 2012
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — “School’s out for summer. School’s out forever. School’s been blown to pieces.” When these lyrics were performed by Alice Cooper in 1972, school violence was a rare occurrence. The song continues with, “No more pencils. No more books. No more teacher’s dirty looks. Out for summer. Out ‘til fall. We […]
Protect yourself from energy vampires
September 26, 2012
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by Dr. Judith Orloff — The quality of our relationships affects our health. Our relationships are governed by a give and take of energy — some people make us more electric or at ease, yet others suck the life right out of us. As a physician and energy specialist, I can tell you that energy […]
Why proper daily hydration is so important
September 26, 2012
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by Dr. Eli Ber — One of the primary reasons I pursued a career as a naturopathic physician was out of a desire to find a solution for my own health problems. I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of Crohn’s Disease at age 16. This caused me to begin actively investigating all treatments […]
October 5, 2012
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