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Tips to detox the body

February 29, 2012

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by Paula Owens —  There are 116 synthetic compounds lurking in the body of each average American, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are exposed to toxins from various sources such as food additives and preservatives, dry cleaners, digestive distress, nonorganic foods, our environment, synthetic supplements, pesticides and chemicals. What you […]

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Boost immunity against the flu and infections

February 29, 2012

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by Dr. Theo Christodoulakis —  Opportunistic infections are those infections that find the opportunity to invade the host, such as the bodies of individuals who have compromised or run-down immune systems. Boosting the immune system is a multi-faceted approach that should include reducing the stress of an individual, increasing proper nutrition and supplementation, getting adequate […]

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Rolfing® in rough times

February 28, 2012

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by Deanna Melynchuk —  For the last six months to a year, many people have been under a great deal of emotional and mental stress. Losing a job, having to relocate, children leaving home, being unable to provide a college education for your child … all these and more are stressors. As stress builds in […]

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Meditation: Key to a great life

February 28, 2012

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by Dawn Fleming —  Meditation provides a multitude of benefits, perhaps even more than a daily multivitamin. It seems that many of us can talk about meditation, but do we actually practice it? We tend to put it off and miss profound opportunities to support our bodies, minds and spirits. For those of us who […]

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Between you and the earth

February 28, 2012

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by Pragya Pradhan —  Rubber, plastic, tile, polyester, metal, compressed wood and concrete are all materials that stand between you and the nourishing earth. When was the last time you actually placed your feet on the earth and let its healing energy soothe you? We walk in machine-made shoes on machine-made tiles, polyester carpets and […]

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Are the stresses in your life getting the best of you?

February 28, 2012

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by Dr. Eileen R. Borris —  To live is to feel stressed. With all the economic uncertainty and our fast-paced ways, stress has become a fact of life for many of us. When we are stressed, our anxiety levels go off the charts, our hearts race, our stomachs churn and we simply feel overwhelmed. The […]

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The oral effects of stress

February 28, 2012

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by Dr. Nicholas Meyer —  We all know how bad stress can be on the body, and that it can manifest in any number of ways. Even the teeth and bones and the muscles they attach to are not immune from the ill effects of stress. It is well known that the human body is […]

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The end of yo-yo dieting

February 27, 2012

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by Dr. Michelle May —  Increasing numbers of individuals struggle with obesity and yo-yo dieting, a term descriptive of an old paradigm of weight management — one that was destined to fail for the majority of people. It is an apt metaphor, however, because a yo-yo goes either up or down, just like a diet. […]

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Expansion through simplification

February 27, 2012

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Expansion through simplification   by Christine Kloser —  In a world being torn apart by the desire for more, more, more, something incredible is happening. There is a shift underway — from the old, greedy patterns of yesterday to a more simplified and aligned approach. In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s movie, “The Shift,” he talks beautifully […]

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Playing the blame game

February 27, 2012

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by Irene Conlan —  President Harry Truman had a plaque on his desk that read, “The Buck Stops Here.” Many people held him to this promise, and he never flinched from the responsibility or the blame. We all know people who are absolutely guiltless — or so they would lead you to believe. In my […]

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A homeopathic approach to post-traumatic stress disorder

February 27, 2012

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by Dr. Tara Peyman —  Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder. It occurs after one has witnessed a life-threatening or severely frightening experience. This condition is prevalent among veterans and is also common in victims of violent crimes, abuse, accidents, natural disasters and other psychologically traumatic events. Symptoms of PTSD may […]

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Myofascial Release treats TMJ pain

February 27, 2012

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by Maria Troia —  An effective bodywork session should always validate the site of a client’s pain, while looking beyond the complaint for the true source of the problem. John F. Barnes, physical therapist and developer of the Myofascial Release (MFR) technique, teaches that temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD or TMJ) is not only related to […]

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Meditation promotes brain health

February 27, 2012

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by Ada Porat —  Most of us know that too much stress is not good for our bodies because it triggers inflammation and suppresses the immune system. But did you know that too much stress actually hurts your brain? During high levels of stress, the brain does not grow new connections or new cells. Chronic […]

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