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Are you in overwhelm?

February 23, 2012

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by Jolin Brandes —  The world is changing so quickly that we can get thrown into reactionary states over the smallest things. Someone says something just the wrong way, and we feel our emotions getting triggered. As the sun produces larger and larger solar flares, its intense rays of light pass through us. This unearths […]

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Just breathe

February 23, 2012

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by Irene Conlan —  Just breathe. We hear that a lot lately. There are a number of popular songs telling you to “just breathe,” and this is good advice. Breathing is something we take for granted. Adults breathe approximately 21,600 times a day without giving a single thought to the process. And yet, it is […]

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A guide to de-stressing

February 23, 2012

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by Melissa Jones —  Stress is at the root of 80 percent of all complaints heard in doctors’ offices, not to mention the complaints you continually hear from friends and co-workers. Having a stressed-out, unhappy and pitiful mindset can become a bad habit and an all too familiar way of being. Stress not only causes […]

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Holiday stress-busting tips

February 23, 2012

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by Aurora Winter —  Tired of being tired? Stress increases over the holiday season, due to more shopping, parties and obligations. We are juggling visitors, travel and our usual duties, which are stressful enough. Those happy holiday messages can be painfully at odds with our own lives if we are dealing with heartbreak, such as […]

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The health benefits of laughter

February 23, 2012

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by Debra J. White —  Laughter really is the best medicine because it is free, has no side effects and it works. Scientific evidence from the Food and Drug Administration may be lacking, but laughter elevates mood, improves circulation, relieves chronic pain and stress, as well as enhances family relationships. Doctors are now recommending laughter […]

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