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10 steps to reduce stress in your life

August 16, 2013

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by John Koeberer  —  There is no doubt that stress kills. Many health professionals and medical analyses validate the strong negative impact stress can have on your health and general well-being, as well as your longevity. It is the chronic, day-in and day-out stress that is the problem. Stress can exacerbate pain, cause depression, obesity, […]

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Helping kids help themselves by using yoga

August 11, 2013

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by Jennifer Schaecher —  There has been lots of talk lately about yoga and its myriad benefits. Strength, flexibility, balance, relaxation and energy — you can experience all of them through the practice of yoga. But, you can get even more out of it if you invite the kids to participate, too. A few schools […]

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Fix your face with hypnosis

August 7, 2013

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by Irene Conlan —  Before you read the article below, please do the following short exercise. Take a long, slow, deep breath in through your nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth. As you exhale, relax all the muscles in your face — relax your forehead and the tiny muscles around your eyes. Relax your […]

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Have low metabolic energy?

July 31, 2013

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by Julia Busch —  A wide variety of seemingly unrelated symptoms — hair loss, forgetfulness, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, sleep problems, slow healing, dulled senses, feeling cold and fatigued — can result from low metabolic energy (LME). Symptoms can include nonspecific aches, weak ligaments and bones, sexual dysfunction, numb hands and feet, […]

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10 steps for dealing with difficult people — from cantankerous coworkers to temperamental teenagers

July 17, 2013

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by Ray Dodd —  They annoy us. Cause us trouble. Push our buttons. They are difficult people, and we seem to encounter them constantly: at work, at home and everywhere in between. What do we need to know to deal with the people who repeatedly irritate us? What do we do, in particular, if these […]

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Love, wisdom and hurricanes

July 15, 2013

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  by Dr. Larry Wilson — With Katrina and Rita, two powerful hurricanes, arriving so close together, many people are wondering about storms. What is their meaning for us? More importantly, what good comes from storms and other disasters? Natural disasters have occurred for as long as mankind has been on this planet. They are […]

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Put mind over matter with integrative imagery

July 13, 2013

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by Nancy Beauchamp —  When people hear the words integrative imagery, they probably think about CAT scans or MRIs. But integrative imagery does not refer to a mechanical device separate from us. Rather, it is a technique of putting mind over matter to become healthier. In her book, Molecules of Emotions, Candace Pert states that […]

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Managing Minerals

July 10, 2013

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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Minerals, from calcium and magnesium, to the trace elements such as zinc, are perhaps the single most important group of nutrients. They are required for every bodily function, from activating muscles and nerves, to digestion, energy production, and all healing and regeneration of the body. This article focuses on important […]

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Social Media Addiction

July 7, 2013

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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Social networking sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and dozens of others allow people to stay in touch as never before. However, some people spend so much time on these sites that it begins to interfere with their lives. Psychologists are referring to this as a social networking compulsion or […]

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Real superheroes: massage therapists

July 1, 2013

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by Dannette Hunnel —  Imagine, if you will, a culture of loose-limbed and limp-wristed inhabitants, pleasant and carefree without the need for drugs or alcohol. A euphoric society completely decaffeinated and stress free, where the only snap, crackle and pop you hear comes from your cereal. Car exhaust and factory output are replaced with the […]

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Can thoughts cause IBS flare-ups?

June 27, 2013

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by Dr. Jennifer Burns —  The above question can be answered with a big “Yes!” Anxiety is the name of the game for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). People with IBS experience anxiety when leaving the house, going out to public functions or just going shopping. They first must locate the bathroom any […]

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10 ways to lighten up and feel good

June 21, 2013

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by Stephanie Bennett Vogt —  Most of us think of caring for ourselves as an extracurricular activity — something we squeeze into our lives at the end of the day, when everyone else in the family is taken care of or when we are sick. If I have learned anything at all about the subject […]

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The stress effect and reduction techniques

June 20, 2013

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Your body is designed to experience stress and react appropriately. Stress will put you in fight-or-flight mode, alert and ready to avoid danger. The body also experiences physiologic responses, such as increased heart and respiratory rates, to enable immediate action. However, increased incidences of illness can develop if these physiologic changes are not restored to […]

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