by Dr. Charles Schwengel — Cancer is a complex process to understand and treat. There are many types of cancer, each with its own set of predisposing factors, growth rates and treatment options. What is common to all is the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells which endangers healthy tissues and functions. These uncontrolled growths of […]
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Marital therapy can be dangerous for domestic abuse victims
January 4, 2013
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by Dr. Jeanne King — I longed for my children’s father, my ex-husband, to stop his violent outbursts toward our family. The psychologist/doctor/family peacemaker in me said, “We just need to find the ‘right’ person/method to help fix this problem,” as though he had some physical aliment. This may sound familiar to those of you […]
Supercharge your health with cellular energy
January 1, 2013
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by Dr. Howard Peiper — Cellular energy sounds modern, but it is as old as life itself and the very foundation of good health. When we have cell energy, we think better, feel better, move better, look better and perform better. That is because, at a very basic physical level, our cells are responsible for […]
Add some spice to your love life
December 26, 2012
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by Tiffany Richards — For thousands of years, almost every culture has used various methods like fragrance, aroma and incense to enhance libidos, improve sexual performance and put some zip into their love lives. Cleopatra is said to have carpeted her bedroom with rose petals to seduce Marc Anthony. The ancient Romans are credited with […]
From the personal to the powerful
December 22, 2012
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by John English — There are several points along the spiritual journey of life that present magnificent opportunities for greater levels of growth and peace. Of all of these opportunities, one of the most important is often referred to as not taking things personally. Sooner or later, we realize that if we don’t take things […]
Antioxidants = anti-aging
December 21, 2012
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by Amber Geller — What are antioxidants? You may have heard that they have something to do with blueberries. While that is true, there is much more to these powerful nutrients that ultimately guard your body against free radicals. Dr. Michael Cutler, M.D., director of anti-aging research at the National Institutes of Health, says, “The […]
Toxic metals: Where they come from and how they affect us
December 20, 2012
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by Dr. Carole Eastman — Sometimes occurring naturally and sometimes introduced by humans, toxic metals are everywhere. As a result of this chronic low-level exposure, as well as the body’s inability to adequately excrete them, these toxic heavy metals accumulate and are deposited in tissues such as bone, brain, kidney, liver, arteries, heart and muscle, […]
Why you should massage your children
December 20, 2012
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by Tiffany Kuehn — What would life be like if at birth, after exiting the softness and safety of the mother’s womb into the external world, newborns received a full body massage? What if every little part of the tiny baby was touched and soothed by the external world into which they were thrust? Imagine […]
Success, creativity and good health through Vastu
December 19, 2012
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by Michael and Robin Mastro — Our homes, when carefully oriented, have the power to give us comfort and security and to be one of our best investments. We spend a great deal of time and money to accomplish this, but how do we really know if we are creating a positive and life-supporting place […]
Are you waiting, waiting, waiting?
December 18, 2012
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by Kathy Gates — This week, as I sat on the phone with tech support, I thought over and over of the things I could have done while I sat there — waiting, and not living my life. Are you “on hold” in your life? Are you waiting for a spouse to come along, or […]
Elm for overwhelm
December 15, 2012
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by Linda Crider — A common complaint these days is that there is just too much to do and not enough time to do it in. Many of us fit in this category, and fortunately, Dr. Edward Bach anticipated such a state and included the essence of Elm in his 38 flower-remedy healing system. Interestingly, […]
Chronic pain and hormones
December 15, 2012
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — The American Academy of Pain Management reports that an estimated 50 million Americans live with chronic pain caused by disease, disorder or accident. Did you know that many chronic pain conditions and stress-related symptoms could be related to hormonal imbalance? Some common symptoms of chronic pain include stress, frustration, […]
True transformation is a five-letter word: H-E-A-R-T
December 13, 2012
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by Ronna Prince — Transformation is a big word. The first definition in the World English Dictionary states that it is “a change or alteration, especially a radical one.” You can see the radical alteration of my appearance in the before and after photos in this article. And it was indeed radical. The radical outer […]
January 10, 2013
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