by Dr. Martha M. Grout — A new study in the journal Anticancer Research states that it takes far more vitamin D than initially thought to dramatically cut the risk of several major diseases, including breast cancer. The study’s co-author, Dr. Cedric Garland, a professor of family and preventive medicine at the University of California, […]
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Breast health
February 24, 2012
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by Dr. Ann Lovick — Who is at risk for breast cancer? Everyone. Obviously, men and children are low-risk groups, but they are not risk-free. Less than one percent of all breast cancer occurs in men and children; women make up the rest. Aside from lung cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of […]
Estrogen and breast cancer
February 23, 2012
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by Dr. Ann Lovick — If there is one thing women fear, it is breast cancer. Perhaps it is the fact that breasts are such a feminine attribute, strongly associated with attractiveness and fertility, or that women associate breast cancer with a loss of sexuality and even a loss of self. Some women are afraid […]
Mainstream news beginning to question value of mammogram
February 23, 2012
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by Mary Budinger — From the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® organization to the American Cancer Society, everyone preaches that women need to get annual mammograms because the screening saves lives — right? Well, think again. A recent analysis published in Annals of Internal Medicine found that most women who discover breast cancer as […]
February 24, 2012
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