Can your tattoo be confused with cancer cells? by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Recently, a California woman was diagnosed with cervical cancer. The tests conducted prior to surgery showed that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. After undergoing removal of her uterus, Fallopian tubes and dissection of her lymph nodes, she found out […]
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Severe menstrual cramps — could it be endometriosis?
April 21, 2013
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by Sima Aidun — Endometrium is the tissue that lines the uterus and is shed during the menstrual period. In some women, the same tissue can be found growing where it doesn’t belong, outside the uterus. For example, it can grow on the ovaries, bowel or bladder and, though rare, can be found in locations […]
Treating infertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine and pelvic exercises
January 22, 2013
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by Dasha Trebichavsk — Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) employs a broad spectrum of treatment modalities including herbs, acupuncture and bodywork, as well as dietary and lifestyle adjustments. One of its least commonly advertised uses is in the field of infertility. Successful treatment of infertility dates back in China to the Sui Dynasty (589 CE). Chinese […]
Abnormal pap smears
October 13, 2012
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by Dr. Teresa Ramsey — “Abnormal” is never a word you want to hear from your doctor. However, when it comes to pap smears for women, abnormal is very common, and gynecologists typically ask you to repeat the test in three months without any treatment in between. The reason this occurs so frequently is related […]
Improve your health with probiotic protection
October 2, 2012
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by Marianne Crafts-Brandner — Reports of declining health in this country are alarming. Recent studies indicate that as many as one in four women in the United States between the ages of 14 and 59 is infected with the human papillomavirus which can cause cervical cancer. Rates of auto-immune conditions, such as allergies, eczema, fibromyalgia and […]
Natural treatment for an abnormal pap
April 12, 2012
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by Dr. Denise Grobe — Cervical dysplasia refers to abnormal changes in the cells on the surface of the cervix that are seen underneath a microscope (an abnormal pap). The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens at the top of the vagina. These changes do not necessarily indicate cancer, but they […]
Green tea to treat human papilloma virus (HPV)
February 28, 2012
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by Dr. Denice Grobe — Medical research is finally catching up to what practitioners of naturopathic and botanical medicine have known for decades — that green tea has extraordinary healing benefits. Green tea benefits Inhibits the growth of cancer cells Lowers cholesterol Increases fat metabolism Reduces the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis Protects against cardiovascular disease […]
Is breast or ovarian cancer in your family?
February 27, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Knowing your risk of contracting cancer can better prepare you to take the steps necessary to reduce the chance of being diagnosed. Even better than early detection are new tests that can detail the inherited risks people may have for certain cancers. One such test now available is BRACanalysis® — […]
Myofascial Release for endometriosis pain
February 25, 2012
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by Maria G. Troia — Endometriosis can be debilitating, causing severe pelvic and low back pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, bowel pain and dysfunction, as well as infertility. The Cleveland Clinic reports that endometriosis affects the lives of at least 5.5 million women in North America. This source also reports that approximately 30 percent to 40 […]
October 13, 2015
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