Change your state, change your life

The fastest, simplest and most efficient tool I have found for changing my state is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
by Scott Grace —
I went to college — dropped in, then dropped out from the University of Buffalo (UB) within two years. Did not take any English courses. Sorry for my grammar.
In those two years I would have loved to have had a girlfriend. Just one out of the 8,000 female students at UB. But nobody was there for me. In fact, I was fond of repeating on a regular basis: There is nobody here for me. No female ladies with whom I could date and relate. Nobody who could get me and my deep sensitivity.
After leaving and going back to NYC, I was in Greenwich Village one afternoon where I lived and felt right at home, when I got me. It was there I met someone— a female someone. We were a lovely match for a while and had lots of fun. When we eventually parted ways, there was no hurt or hard feelings. Guess where she went to school for the two years that I did? The University of Buffalo and nope, I am not kidding.
Why did I not meet her there? Because I was in an exclusive, committed, monogamous relationship with my fear. And as if it kept me warm at night, I was snuggled up tightly to the belief: There is nobody here for poor me.
As soon as I was back in New York, where I felt safe and comfortable, my vibration changed. I started strutting my stuff instead of strutting my victimhood. Kimberly walked right in through the door of my open heart and mind. Is that not funny? I still laugh when I think about it. What a cosmic joke. I could have met her at college if I had been open and available. But somehow it felt safer and easier for me to keep believing that there was nobody there for me, rather than to reach out, take some risks and learn to deal with the inevitable hurts and disappointments that are a part of any process or project that is worthwhile on this planet. It was as if I had one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake, and was hoping to get somewhere.
When I got back to NYC, my old stomping grounds, in an environment where I felt safe to stomp, I released the brakes, found my stride and found my girlfriend.
Since then I have aspired to uncover the things I tell myself that are self-defeating, and wake up from the scarcity trance I had while I was in college, so to speak. In the midst of a challenging outer environment, I want to improve my inner game, find my stride and start feeling safe and comfortable inside my own skin, right here and right now. That is what moves mountains and makes miracles. Strut your stuff when times are tough. Find your stride and enjoy the ride. Change your state, change your life!
The fastest, simplest and most efficient tool I have found for changing my state is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). In the hands of an experienced and intuitive facilitator, the results can be nothing short of amazing. It activates the feel-good endorphins and helps you release the trance state of scarcity you might be in. Then, as you strut your stuff with some consistency, divine synchronicity takes you to where you want to be — a new relationship, more money, more self-love, more whatever. Change your state, change your life!
Most of us have got it upside down, bass ackwards. Here is a paradox you can take to the bank:
You might believe if you have money challenges, that you desperately need more money before you can let go of the desperation and feel safe again. And the paradox is that the fastest way of creating more money is to release the desperation and start feeling safe, right here and right now. “Seek ye first the Kingdom and all these things will be added unto you” might sound a little other worldly Biblical and not very modern day practical, but it is extremely grounded in the real world. It is timeless, and when it comes to those pesky little universal laws, you cannot break the law and get away with it.
Your vibrations go out and that is what you get back. No exceptions. Do what you love and the money will follow. Be who you are and the relationship will follow. Be in your love and all the good stuff will follow. Put first things first. Do not procrastinate joy. Be who you are, a joyful being. Tend to your vibes. Change your state. Otherwise, your soul mate might be right next door, but you will not connect. You are unconsciously driving away what you most want, because you are not being and broadcasting who you really are.
When trying to get (or to give) what you want in life, does it feel like you sometimes have one foot on the accelerator and one on the brake? Could you benefit from a thorough tune up, a coaching session consisting of messages from your guides, EFT to help you release blocks, doable action steps for what to do after the session ends, and a channeled song to bring it all from the head to the heart of your experience? It is like working with a psychic, a channeler, a life coach, an empathic friend, an EFT wizard and a music therapist who can channel your unique essence into a song, with you getting the benefits of all those perspectives and modalities rolled into one amazing session.
While you might love doing this on a regular weekly basis, the occasional tune-up can be helpful whenever you feel you could use help to stay on track, to get back on track or to assist you though a difficult patch. Sessions can guide people through a patch of darkness and into their light.
Is your vehicle due for a tune up? Have you lost your power steering when it comes to your direction or your shock absorbers when you are facing bumpy challenges? Are you trying to drive with one foot on the accelerator and one on the brake, or when you are low or zero on gas? Let the jumper cables juice you up, help you fill up your tank, reset and trust your inner GPS, and get thee zooming forward.
Change your state, change your life.
Scott Grace is an intuitive, game-changing, state-changing life coach who serves worldwide and does sessions via phone or Skype., 415-721-2954 or [email protected].
Reprinted from the AzNetNews archives..
December 8, 2015
AZ Net News Archives, Fear, Featured