Channelers cannot always count on their audience’s acceptance, either at the time of the imparted wisdom or after they have moved on in life.
by Sherry Anshara —
So many ideas and concepts are attached to the idea of channeling. In the past, prophets claimed to impart wisdom from the heavens, giving or “channeling” information to the people. It is questionable if the information was ever beneficial to those who were given it — or perhaps they just did not apply the wisdom.
Channelers cannot always count on their audience’s acceptance, either at the time of the imparted wisdom or after they have moved on in life.
Now think about surfing through all the channels available on TV. Many people get hooked on the trauma dramas that are being “channeled” — from ghost-busting to unbelievable reality shows.
Do these TV productions have a channeler’s effect on the reality of your life? Have you considered that when you spend time watching these trauma dramas, they may be taking away valuable time, creativity and productivity from your own life? Perhaps you should consider that these channels of reality TV programs are influencing your life unconsciously, leaving you unaware of the drain on your own bodily energy.
All of this channeling may be producing undue strain and drain on your life. The question to ask is: Are these productions worth taking up my time when I could be creating my own real realities?
Have you ever considered that when you repeat an emotional behavioral pattern in your life — a do-over trauma drama, a repeated relationship with a different name, and/or a re-cycled illness — that perhaps you are channeling your inner self as it was in the past? This does not refer to past lives. It is about re-channeling your past in the current time. Repeated patterns, repeated relationships and repeated cycles of behaviors are, in fact, you channeling yourself from another time.
From a non-emotional perspective — instead of an emotional one, regarding those hooks to the past — analyze your past and current experiences. If similarities exist between what you are now doing and what you did before, you are channeling your old self. Amazing, is it not?
Before you move forward, take the next few minutes to step back, reflect, listen deeper to your inner self and ask yourself some big questions:
Am I channeling my not-so-productive self? Am I channeling my past? Am I channeling the same words I used before that did not support me effectively and productively? Am I channeling someone else’s idea of who I am?
Given this new perspective about channeling, are you now ready to take charge of your life and be the positive, influential and productive channel for yourself?
Channels existing outside of you may offer valuable information, but you already have the most valuable information. The best channel for you is you, and it is based on your own knowledge and experiences.
Sherry Anshara is a medical intuitive, author, founder of the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness, creator of the QuantumPathic® Energy Method and founder/president of the Blended Healthcare Consortium in Scottsdale, Ariz. www.quantumpathic.com, www.sherryanshara.com, [email protected] or 480-609-0874.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 31, Number 5, October/November 2012.
December 16, 2012
Coping, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, October/November 2012 Issue, Self-confidence, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical