The chrysanthemum stone is a black composite of dolomite, gypsum clay and limestone that formed more than 250 million years ago.
by Karyn Diane Kish —
The chrysanthemum stone is truly an amazing and incredible feat of nature. It is a black composite of dolomite, gypsum clay and limestone that formed more than 250 million years ago. It can be found at the bottom of the Daxi River in the Hunan province of China. Embedded in this rock is a bold and dynamic blueprint that is revealed through blade-like crystals of andalusite, celestite and feldspar that make up the composite.
The bold and striking contrast of the black rock and its dramatic pattern of white petals is quite eye-catching as they unfold into the impression of the chrysanthemum flower. These beautiful bloom-like patterns burst forth with absolute purpose and intent.
A stone touted for “harmony and change,” the energy of the chrysanthemum supports the perception of the marriage between the two. Its energy eases the experience of one’s personal passage of life by encouraging the understanding of the duality of the union.
The stone demonstrates the process of change, thus instead of being disquieting or disturbing, it is a flowing and harmonious journey. Experiencing life in the way that petals of a flower unfold, one should put his faith in the blossoming of each moment and its offerings.
This energy heartens one to take the time to enjoy life’s journey and to drift with ease and grace as each present moment flows into another. In this way, one may genuinely appreciate each moment as the true gift it is.
This stone uplifts one to remain in a state of fresh, fun-loving innocence, exploring the radiance of youth and leaving a message that time becomes more precious and cherished so often after it has passed. It is important to understand that the flower (one’s talents, gifts and destiny) is always within the self.
The energy of the chrysanthemum stone can activate dormant potentials within each of us; this comes to fruition by bringing them into the light of awareness. The energy will accentuate those little nagging feelings, reminding us that what we came to accomplish is yet to be achieved.
Germinating just below the surface, waiting to bud, may be the desire for change to create the life you were meant to live. Those lifelong ambitions to write, paint, dance, etc., are strengthened, and gifts and talents exposed.
Once you are awakened to your spiritual destiny, passions are deepened and the ability to simply let go is enhanced. Stepping onto your path and placing things into motion is the universe’s clue to activate support for your desires. A set of synchronicities creating unexpected opportunities fall into your lap as you begin or return from your journey. You are granted the courage and opportunity to live your dream.
The chrysanthemum stone is powerful for shaman work, removal of obstacles in your path, connecting to your true life’s purpose and symbolizing longevity and dependability. It will encourage you to be and do your best, and will bring you joy, love and abundance.
Be truly appreciative of each and every present moment as your life unfolds and, above all, welcome change. Do not let this moment pass without being in it — for you are truly blessed.
Karyn Diane Kish, a former aerospace engineer, is founder and owner of Gypsy Trader. She is also an ordained minister, educator, intuitive spiritual counselor, clinical hypnotherapist and a certified Reconnection practitioner. 602-971-4445 or karyndianekish@aol.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 29, Number 3, June/July 2010.
February 26, 2012
Happiness, Metaphysical