Living a stress-less life means releasing blocks to intuitive connectedness, success, and our innate ability to manifest our dreams and life purpose freely and easily.
by Nathalie Ekobo —
“I am so stressed out!” How often do we hear, feel and say these words? How many of us know how to effectively manage stress and its debilitating effects on our lives, or know people who live stress-less lives?
Did you know that by learning to engage in a stress-less lifestyle, we can open the channels to manifestation, abundant health and a clearer, more powerful connection to Spirit?
Living a stress-less life means releasing blocks to intuitive connectedness, success, and our innate ability to manifest our dreams and life purpose freely and easily. Stress-less living means a healthy body, prosperity (pro-spirit), stronger and more satisfying relationships, peace and serenity. The good news is that we can banish unwelcome, low-level energy blockers quickly and easily.
Sound too good to be true? Here’s how it works. Simply clear all blocks, interferences and subconscious beliefs about being stressed out. Aha, easier said than done? Not so. This clearing is accomplished through Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT). After an SRT clearing, you will experience a brighter future, a greater ability to handle life’s challenges, peace of mind and a higher quality of life.
SRT clears our blocks on the soul level — it yanks the weeds out, root and all. This amazing healing process helps you break habits, release negativity, heal emotional issues, clear false beliefs, perceptions and attitudes, and move into balance, joy and harmony. Clearing negative beliefs and programming with SRT allows more direct access to your Higher Self, and changes the landscape of your inner and outer being by removing blocks to discovering your life purpose. That means a stress-less life.
Very simply, SRT involves researching soul records (Akashic Records) and the subconscious mind to identify the origination or root cause of blocks and negative programming, clearing and replacing them with pure, positive potential. Research is conducted through a connection with our higher selves, a pendulum, 34 specially designed charts, and by asking important questions to uncover and clear the blocks that keep us from living our lives to our full potential.
Once your blocks are identified and cleared, your soul is reeducated and empowered for your highest good, enabling you to live a richer, fuller, freer, stress-less life.
Nathalie Ekobo, M.A., M.S., is a transformational and spiritual life coach, healer, trainer and speaker. She has a master’s degree in international business, a certificate in kinesiology and is a licensed massage therapist. She is a Spiritual Response Therapy trainer and consultant, and a Spiritual Restructuring therapist and trainer. ekobonat@cox.net or 602-881-3040.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 5, October/November 2006.
November 18, 2012
Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical