In cosmetic acupuncture, heat and electrical stimulation are used, along with traditional needling, to accentuate the effect.
by Dr. Steven Cooner —
Cosmetic acupuncture is an area of Oriental medicine that reduces wrinkles; rejuvenates the skin; reduces cellulite, acne, varicose veins and scar inflammation; and augments and enhances the breasts. This specialty area of acupuncture is non-radical, has no side-effects and is a safe procedure that leaves patients feeling healthier and looking younger, while enhancing their immune system. The procedure is practically pain-free, and is usually very relaxing and beneficial to the patient’s general health and well-being, with no downtime.
Cosmetic acupuncture treats sagging cheeks, neck, buttocks, arms, breasts, legs, abs — giving them a lift, with a fuller look and appearance. It can reduce wrinkles, especially on the face. As for breast augmentation, there is usually some increase in breast size and firmness and breast development may continue for as long as three months after the treatments end. Results are usually seen within six treatments, although the average number of treatments is 12. The results usually last for a few years, but it is recommended that patients have follow-up treatments two to three times a year to ensure the longevity of the treatments.
In cosmetic acupuncture, heat and electrical stimulation are used, along with traditional needling, to accentuate the effect. Most patients are pleased with the results. Several patients have undergone this procedure after having had cosmetic surgery, especially in the area of wrinkle reduction, scar tissue tension, pain and inflammation.
Cosmetic acupuncture also is quite effective for cellulite reduction. The cellulite is softened with special needling techniques combined with heat, and then guided away from the site of accumulation.
When patients look better, they feel better. With acupuncture, blood flow is stimulated and increased in the treated areas, whether it be the face, breasts, hips, scars, legs or abdomen. A lot of patients have blockages in energy and blood flow to these regions of their bodies. By increasing the energy flow, the blood is stimulated to move to those areas of blockage. When there is not enough energy present, we increase and fill those spaces; where there is too much, we reduce the energy.
Patients in general tend to look younger and have more vigor. Cosmetic acupuncture is a wonderful, natural approach to anti-aging and rejuvenation. It is a chance to recapture the feeling and look of youth, without adverse side effects.
Drs. Steven Cooner, O.M.D., PhD., L.Ac., L.M.T., and Helene Cooner, O.M.D., L.Ac., L.M.T., are doctors of oriental medicine and state-licensed acupuncturists with over 25 years experience. They are located in Scottsdale at 3080 Civic Center (and Earll). 602-625-6612.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 3, June/July 2007.
September 23, 2012
Acupuncture, Aesthetic procedures, Beauty and Appearance, Chinese medicine, Natural medicine and Natural Therapies, Skin