Could beta glucan be a cancer answer?

Beta glucan is not new. It has been researched for more than 50 years, with increased study during the last 20 years. More than 10,000 articles, reports and trials have been published in peer-reviewed medical literature from some of the top research hospitals and universities in the world. In Japan, a form of beta glucan has been used as a licensed drug to treat cancer for more than 30 years.
by Debbie Williams —
Have you seen the latest Cheerios® commercial with the cute little girl talking about beta glucan lowering cholesterol? I was at an event when this commercial was aired, and the speaker said one would have to eat 40 boxes of the cereal a day to get the same immune response as one capsule of our beta glucan.
Why all the press on beta glucan? It works for everyone because all of us have CR3 receptors. Unfortunately, most people start taking beta glucan when their bodies have already deteriorated and they have disease. For the greatest effect on building the immune system, it should optimally be taken when we are relatively healthy.
I will venture to say that everyone we encounter knows someone who is battling cancer or who was lost to cancer in the last year. People typically first meet with an oncologist, and they hear three words — surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. Often, the treatments seemingly render the patient cancer free, only to have it come back months later, having spread to other organs.
A cancer patient recently told me that the doctor’s waiting room had cookies for the patients, and this patient’s diet included foods with sugar, such as pudding and yogurt, which makes no sense since cancer cells thrive on sugar.
We rarely heard the word cancer 50 years ago, but today it is big business. One in two men and one in three women will get cancer in their lifetime. Those are not good odds, but cancer does not have to be a death sentence. So, how do we fight it?
Recently, Dr. Jane, an OB/GYN, stayed with us for two days. Oddly, while she was in medical school, she received no formal training on nutrition. She began taking pictures of what we were putting in our smoothies and shakes. She had never heard of maca powder, chia seeds, cacao nibs or hemp seeds, nor had she ever considered putting coconut oil in a smoothie. She loved the Vitamix® blender and the nutritious drinks we made.
Jane had gone through 18 months of chemotherapy after a breast cancer diagnosis and lost her practice due to the ravaging effects on her health from the treatments. When I met her, she was using a cane to get around, even though she was in her 40s. She was so weak that she could not get out of bed without help. She really thought she was dying and that she had tried everything.
She began taking one capsule a day of highly purified beta glucan with resveratrol and vitamin C and felt a difference. She then began sharing this supplement with former patients and friends. One of her friends, Debra, was in stage 4 breast cancer. Jane believed Debra could be gone within a couple of weeks. Debra began taking two different doses of beta glucan. She could not believe the energy she experienced, especially since she was still on chemotherapy. When she got her blood results back after one month on beta glucan, her cancer blood markers went from 1,600 to 1,000.
Curtis Dybdahl from California gave the following testimonial. “I was introduced to beta glucan with resveratrol and vitamin C in March 2012, and the first things I noticed were very restful sleep, lots of energy and clarity of thinking. Then I started to notice weight loss, from 337 to 243 pounds — a loss of 94 pounds — which I have not gained back. My body fat is at 16 percent. My diabetes has been impacted by the weight loss, and I am off metformin. I achieved a 5.3 alc and that is a three-month study of blood sugar. (5.7 is prediabetic, 6.0 is diabetic.) I am out of diabetic range. Yesterday my blood pressure was 100/70, down from 140/100. No more blood pressure medicine needed.
“Last September, I had a bleeder in the colon from too much blood thinner, which ate a hole in my intestine. The surgeon thought I had colon cancer, with no polyps, no cancer. In June, I began to turn yellow and had an elevation of bile. The ER doctors found that I had a high fever due to a liver abscess and infection. The immune system put up a barrier around the infection so it could not spread. Doctors were floored. I love beta glucan.”
Beta glucan is not new. It has been researched for more than 50 years, with increased study during the last 20 years. More than 10,000 articles, reports and trials have been published in peer-reviewed medical literature from some of the top research hospitals and universities in the world. In Japan, a form of beta glucan has been used as a licensed drug to treat cancer for more than 30 years.
Most people know that proper nutrition and rest, exercise, clean air, clean water, vitamins, anti-oxidants, etc., are important to overall health, but most people do not realize the absolute importance of their immune system. Without an immune system, you would die in less than 72 hours. Simply stated, beta glucan is a natural food-sourced compound that raises the level of the body’s immune response.
Vaclav Vetvicka, Ph.D., has researched beta glucan for more than 20 years and has written eight books and authored or co-authored more than 200 articles and studies on it that have been published in peer-reviewed medical literature. At no time has anything he has written been contested by his peers. He has even performed safety studies to as high as 336 times the normal dosage. According to Vetvicka, these raised levels of immune response occur every time highly purified beta 1,3-D glucan is taken.
Most people in America have compromised immune systems. The causes are plentiful, ranging from antibiotics, toxins, GMOs, processed foods to age, injury, stress and more. Day in and day out, we fight harmful invaders, such as virus, fungus, bacteria, microbes, parasites, toxins and cancer cells. It just makes sense to fight those battles at a much higher level of immune function.
Beta glucan even has a GRAS (generally recognized as safe) safety rating from the Food and Drug Administration. Most people do not know that we have receptors on our white blood cells, which are known as CR3 receptors. When the glucan molecules bind to the receptors, they essentially wake up the white blood cells to better recognize any harmful invaders. The recognition of the harmful invaders is what triggers the white blood cells to take action. It is like having a natural key to unlock the full potential of our white blood cells. Beta glucan activates the white blood cells without over-stimulation. But be cautious, not all beta glucan is created equal.
Debbie Williams is an immune health coach and represents natural health products. She is currently studying to become a certified nutrition coach. or 623-444-0557.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 4, August/September 2014.
August 21, 2014
August/September 2014 Issue, Cancer, Featured