Everything is vibration, and it is now imperative to discern which vibrations support us, so that we enter and remain in the states of love, compassion, presence, gratitude, appreciation and abundance.
by Jolin Brandes and Deanna Melnychuk —
As the world around us keeps shifting, it is important that we stay in our hearts — in a stable place of wisdom and knowing. Everything is vibration, and it is now imperative to discern which vibrations support us, so that we enter and remain in the states of love, compassion, presence, gratitude, appreciation and abundance. For us to create a new earth, where harmony and abundance of all things are in resonance, we, ourselves, must first be in resonance.
This means we must shift out of our old familiar vibrations of lack, greed, manipulation, control, competitive comparisons, fear, procrastination, complacency and multiple limitations. These are the old beliefs that run us — the ones we consciously or unconsciously use to keep ourselves stuck inside the box and living small. Because we are holding these limiting vibrations, the world around us reflects limiting vibrations into our field, keeping us stuck in a never-ending loop.
Even though you may have been diligently staying as conscious as possible to rise above these energies, you may still find yourself slipping into old patterns of fear and lack. This is because these vibrations are constantly and repetitively used around us and, thus, remain within our own energetic fields.
Through the repetitive input of higher frequencies, you can more easily release the old limiting energies and live from your heart — in a place of wisdom and knowing, where you feel the vibration around you and within you, where you can easily discern which vibrations support your being, and where you can stay in a state of love.
The V-Plus, a computerized multi-media format, is specifically designed for self-empowerment, transformation and self-actualization by helping us reach the higher vibrations of harmony, abundance, well-being and love.
Jolin Brandes is a certified bio-feedback specialist, 480-643-0883. Deanna Melnychuk is a certified advanced rolfer, 602-404-8685. www.meetup.com/thevplusgroup.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 6, Dec 2009/Jan 2010.
February 27, 2012
Fear, Gratitude, Peace / peace of mind