by Doreene Clement —

Creating a personal prosperity journal will focus and empower your goals for the future, by recording and tracking what you want to create in life, now and in the years to come.
If you look up the individual words in the phrase “creating a prosperity journal” in the dictionary, it says: Creating — to cause to exist; originate; to bring about; produce. Prosperity — financial success or well-being. Journal — a daily record of occurrences or transactions.
Creating a personal prosperity journal will focus and empower your goals for the future, by recording and tracking what you want to create in life, now and in the years to come.
A prosperity journal is an expression and testament, written proof of how you define what you want from life. From that clear understanding, it also defines what you do not want from life.
Begin your prosperity journal by writing a concise description of what prosperity means to you. If you already keep a journal, keep a separate one for this prosperity journal, using a blank book, notebook or your computer.
Think about and answer these questions: What does prosperity look like? What does it feel like? Who is there with you — a partner, family, friends or co-workers? What do you look like? Are you smiling and happy? How are you dressed? What is your hairstyle?
Ask yourself about your house. Ask about the car you are driving. Ask yourself where you live. What kind of work do you do and what is your job title? How much money do you earn? Do you love getting up in the morning? Do you love going to work? Also include any other questions that are specific to the things that are important to you, your life and your desires.
Then ask yourself why you answered each of these questions as you did. Ask yourself why that certain car, house or physical image is important to you. Clearly defining and understanding what you value and want can clear the way for life to abundantly provide those very items for you. Plus, if you are clear about what and who you are looking for, you will recognize them when they appear.
You can do this exercise every week, every month or every year. Be sure to date all your entries so you can compare what has worked in your life and what has not.
Write it down, see it, feel it, visualize it; know yourself better by creating a prosperity journal.
The late Doreene Clement, a cancer victor and victim was the author of The 5 Year Journal.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 1, February/March 2006.
April 5, 2013
Creativity, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Goals, Journaling, Money and Financial, Self-confidence, Self-improvement, Success