In most cases, it is better to use natural methods to relieve and even prevent headaches. These are safer and more likely to address the underlying cause.
by Toffler Niemuth —
How many times a week do you get a headache? And of those times, how often did you pop some aspirin or ibuprofen to get instant relief?
While it may not seem like a big deal, over time, taking those pills comes with its own side effects and health risks, including damage to the stomach lining, chemical buildup, desensitization to the pills’ effects and unbalancing of the body’s natural ability to heal.
Furthermore, taking a pill only treats the symptom, not the underlying cause of the headache. Have you ever thought about what might be the real source of your headache?
In most cases, it is better to use natural methods to relieve and even prevent headaches. These are safer and more likely to address the underlying cause.
Here are six techniques for headache relief:
- Drink more water — Some mild headaches are caused by dehydration, which we are particularly susceptible to in the dry heat of Arizona. When we are dehydrated, the blood thickens and creates pressures around the forehead where lots of small vessels are concentrated. Often, it is just the glass of water taken with the aspirin that offers true relief, not the aspirin itself.
- Relieve tension — Holding tension or stress in the face, jaw, eyes, forehead, neck or shoulders is often the source of a headache. In that case, releasing this tension is the best way to get rid of headache. Effective relaxation techniques include taking a break from the computer every hour, deep breathing, consciously tensing and releasing the involved muscles, and by practicing yoga and walking.
- Perform facial massage — Self-massage of facial muscles can also relieve constriction and tension. Using the thumbs or middle fingers moving in tiny circles, rub the inner corner of the eyebrow, the temples, the cheek bone directly below the eye and the mandible joint. Then, gently stroke the eyebrows in an outward motion, counting to 30 on each point. Or search YouTube for massage demonstrations for relieving eye strain.
- Apply acupressure on acupoints — Acupressure is similar to acupuncture but without needles, and you can perform it on yourself. The universal acupoint for pain relief is the LI4 (HeGu), located on the web between the thumb and forefinger next to the index finger bone. You should notice a sore spot. Press or rub on this point until you experience headache relief. Pressure on that spot helps restore and balance energy flow within the body, alleviating blockages that cause pain.
- Open the nasal passageways — Some headaches are caused by congestion and constriction around the ocular and nasal regions, putting pressure on key nerves. Use Ayurvedic nasal drops to bring openness and flow to the region; unlike aspirin, they address the underlying cause, which can prevent future headaches. If you are prone to headaches, keep the drops on hand for anytime you feel one coming on.
- Laugh — Laughing improves blood circulation and energy flow around the face, while releasing tension in the neck and shoulders. Besides, after laughing you may not even remember your headache.
Toffler Niemuth is a holistic health coach who integrates nutrition, supplements and her understanding of Chinese and Indian medicine (Ayurveda) to help clients. She also runs an online natural and herbal products store, and offers health coaching online. www.WorldVitae.com or 949-328-4823.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 32, Number 5, October/November 2013.
November 15, 2013
Headache, Health, Natural therapies, October/November 2013 Issue, Stress