Do germophobes have it right?

Beta glucan is a polysaccharide. You can find it in grains, Japanese mushrooms and seaweed, but the most powerful beta glucan comes from the walls of baker’s yeast.
by Debbie Williams —
I remember calling my dad a germophobe. He would wash prewashed lettuce that was labeled “triple washed.” His health was deteriorating, and he did everything possible to help his immune system, even though it was already greatly compromised. I could never imagine that I too would become a germophobe, but I have.
When in an elevator, I use my knuckle to push the floor number. When in a public restroom, I open the door with the towel I used to dry my hands. When at the grocery store, I wipe the cart handle and use my knuckles when possible to punch the password into the credit card panel. Just the thought of grabbing that stylus to sign makes me frown.
With the children getting ready to go back to school, it is pretty much guaranteed that the flu and cold season will be here before you know it. It also means new friends, teachers, clothes, back-to-school items, cell phones being shared and, unfortunately, new germs. With the shared germs at school and the snowbirds getting ready to flock back to Arizona, we need to be proactive in protecting our immune systems.
The best thing to do is educate yourself. According to a University of Arizona study, a typical desk is capable of supporting up to 10 million bacteria — 400 times more germs than the average toilet seat.
Did you know one of the most dangerous places to be is a hospital? I was bitten by a bug last year and nearly died. I am not a fan of antibiotics; in my case, however, they saved my life. The doctor told me that, after two days, the most dangerous place for me to be was in the hospital. I am sure you have heard about people contracting MRSA while in the hospital. Germs are everywhere, and the big culprits spreading them are your shoes.
I just read that wearing shoes inside your home is a big no-no. Think of all the places your feet have been after a long day. Then you walk inside the house, see that beautiful bed and lay down to read and relax. Now all those germs are on the bedspread.
It is the same with flying — think of all the fingers that have latched that seatbelt or used the tray table. Many people get sick simply because they were on an airplane, exposed to all the germs. Do you eat out? I am sure you might wonder if the menus have been sanitized even once.
How about ATM machines or gas pumps? The worst button to push is “enter.” Then the shopping cart is waiting. Have you ever seen anyone cleaning them? Grocery stores often have sanitizer wipes at the entrance and many people do use them, but there has been much negative discussion questioning the safety of antibacterial wipes. Research is saying that households should use non-antibacterial wipes. Studies are showing that regular soap is just as effective as antibacterial soap, if not more.
These are just some of the things to be aware of, not to even mention the global transit systems with trams, subway trains and buses escorting people from other countries and people right here on our soil. Companies are trying to figure out how to protect us from germs, and kudos to Corning Inc. for creating a new antimicrobial touchscreen glass for ATMs. Remember to regularly clean your keyboards, remotes, cellphones, steering wheels and desks.
The good news is there is a way to greatly enhance your immune system and avoid getting any cold or flu this coming season. Have you heard of beta glucan? In my opinion, every person and pet should add it as a daily supplement. If your child misses school frequently, taking this could mean the difference between being an A or B student. By taking beta glucan, your child would likely not miss school at all because his immune system would be in top shape to fight germs, viruses and disease.
Beta glucan is one product I take every day. It is the most effective, powerful immune modulator on the planet. Beta glucan is a polysaccharide. You can find it in grains, Japanese mushrooms and seaweed, but the most powerful beta glucan comes from the walls of baker’s yeast. It has been studied for 50 years. If you go to, you will see nearly 13,000 peer-reviewed studies on it.
Why have you not heard of beta glucan? One reason could be that it was cost prohibitive about 13 years ago, costing $200 a capsule.
So how does it work? The beta glucan attaches itself to the receptors on the white blood cells. Some of these white blood cells are not naturally killer cells, but when beta glucan connects to them, they become a killer cell, meaning they can destroy dangerous cells. Essentially, trillions more cells are helping to keep you healthy. The immune system needs help. It is constantly under attack from pesticides, pollutions, toxic chemicals, and processed foods and drinks.
If you suffer from any of the following immune issues, you might consider joining the thousands who have turned their health around — cancer, glaucoma, diabetes, allergies, AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, Lyme and Crohn’s diseases, IBS, stress, asthma, psoriasis and eczema.
Buyer beware: I was at a seminar several years ago when an expert on beta glucan declared that most beta glucan found on health food store shelves is worthless. Our product is university tested to be the best in the world. It is certified. The manufacturer actually rejects 90 percent of the beta glucan that comes into the lab, whereas other resellers purchase the rejects.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If pregnant or lactating or if you have had an organ transplant, please consult a physician before using.
Debbie Williams is an immune health coach and is studying to be a certified nutrition coach., 623-444-0557 or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 34, Number 4, August/September 2015.
August 10, 2015
August/September 2015, Featured, Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements