by Mary M. Ernsberger —

A life coach is someone specially trained to help you go deep within yourself to discover the answers. A life coach is not afraid to ask the really tough questions to help you find the answers you seek.
You have made it. You walked across that stage and received your diploma. High school is over. Now what? You have arrived at one of the biggest crossroads you will likely ever encounter in your life. Which road do you take? How do you decide? Do you attend a two-year community college, a four-year university, a vocational school — or try something else entirely?
What do you want to be when you grow up? People have been asking you that question since you were a young child. Is the answer any clearer now? How many times have you decided and changed your mind already?
Sure, you have done the personality profiling, taken all the quizzes and maybe even checked your horoscope to find out which career you were destined for. So did most other high school grads. And yet, we all know at least one person who holds that degree they invested so much time and money to pursue, but now they are working in a field not even remotely related to their studies.
So who really has the answer to these questions? It is time to get out of your brain and into your heart. That is right — the answer you are looking for has been inside you all along. It is in your heart, the one place where all the answers are kept and the one place most of us are afraid to explore. That is where a life coach comes in.
A life coach is someone specially trained to help you go deep within yourself to discover the answers. A life coach is not afraid to ask the really tough questions to help you find the answers you seek. A good life coach utilizes compassion, clarity, trust and honesty to help you uncover your truths. A good life coach will be completely non-judgmental. There are life coaches who specialize in working with young people, mid-career adults and individuals in every walk of life. Whether you have just graduated and are about to embark on your adult life or you are someone who currently is walking a path that no longer serves you, a life coach can help you discover your true purpose in life.
You are never too young or too old to make changes. Imagine knowing that you are actually walking down the path you were destined to follow — the path that was created especially for you. Is it not worth investing in your own process of discovery — rather than investing in what someone else says you should be doing? After all, are you a human doing or a human being? It’s time to find out.
Mary M. Ernsberger is a certified hypnotherapist and motivational life coach who specializes in working with young people, age 7 to young adult. She is also a student of mind-body psychology at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 3, June/July 2005.
February 9, 2014
Children and Teens, Life Coaching