Essential oils to the rescue

Four major areas in life can easily be addressed through the use of essential oils — stress management, immune support, elimination of toxins and creating of balance in life.
by Carol E. Gutierrez —
Living well through healthy lifestyle choices is surely the right thing to do, though not always easy. Temptations come from many types of cravings and in terms of diet, particularly with the myriad additives in food, water and beverages. When we hear on TV that we deserve a break today or we need a five-hour boost, we may agree, simply because we may be feeling tired and rundown from the stresses and strains of daily life.
The stresses and strains can put a person at risk for weaker energy reserve, poor sleep, poor diet choices, all of which put us at a resultant risk for ill health and disease.
With the media consumed with the recent health reform changes, the focus now must be on prevention. Essential oils seem to be a way to keep yourself on the right side of health. You may ask: “So what can I do?” Four major areas in life can easily be addressed through the use of essential oils — stress management, immune support, elimination of toxins and creating of balance in life.
Stress management — Data has shown that as many as 90 percent of visits to the doctor are for stress-related symptoms or ailments, which are actually preventable. Stress wears down the immune system through the chemical and hormonal changes inherent in the stress reaction. When stressed, one may be more likely to turn to external stimulants, such as caffeine, alcohol, sugar and/or tobacco to make it through the day. Stress can also impact one’s mood and disturb sleep habits.
Essential oils known as stress-busters are lavender, the citrus oils (lemon, orange, grapefruit) and, for some, peppermint. Lavender is relaxing. Citrus oils are uplifting and are considered happy oils. Peppermint is stimulating and often reminiscent of childhood good times. Other oils that may be helpful are wood or resin oils, such as frankincense, sandalwood, cedarwood or vetiver. These oils are very grounding, so they also can calm the mind.
Much of what works for stress depends on how the essential oil affects you personally. Scent preferences and one’s past experiences with a scent may determine which oil to select for the job at hand.
Immune support — Exposure to airborne germs and those on the items we touch in our environment is inevitable. Keeping the immune system fortified with a healthy diet, healthy sleep habits, stress management and supplements that replace what is missing in the diet are very helpful. During flu season, the use of antiviral essential oils is a handy tool for prevention, and their use may also shorten the severity of the cold or flu if one is exposed. Tea tree (melaleuca), lavender, oregano, cinnamon, eucalyptus, ginger and On Guard® by doTERRA® are good germ busters. Contact an essential oil consultant for specific recommendations for your situation.
Eliminate toxins — Toxins can come in the form of noise, food additives, substance use, chemicals in the water, toxins in the air we breathe and even the thoughts we hold in our minds. Toxins can create inflammation in the body, which can lead to pain, weight gain, insomnia or even heart disease. Essential oils that are anti-inflammatory, calming and increase circulation are helpful. Additional oils can be added that specifically address releasing heavy metals and increasing lymph flow. To see how effective essential oils are in breaking down petrol chemicals, place a drop of essential oil in a styrofoam cup and watch it disintegrate before your eyes.
Creating balance — Start the day right by applying essential oils on the bottom of your feet or diffuse in the air. Citrus oils or peppermint oils can stimulate or brighten the mood if you need an eye-opener.
In addition to the daily use of essential oils as a solid foundation for a healthy lifestyle, the doTERRA company has created an essential oil application technique, known as the AromaTouch™ technique, which uses eight essential oils to specifically address the four major areas discussed above.
Regular sessions are a great way to provide the body with the support it needs to be balanced, to eliminate impurities stored in the tissues and to nourish the nervous system.
Incorporating essential oils into a daily routine is inexpensive, effective and empowering. We are responsible for our own health on a mind-body-spirit level. Enhance your life with essential oils.
Carol E. Gutierrez holds certifications in holistic nursing, massage therapy, clinical aromatherapy, healing touch and guided imagery. She specializes in reflexology and toe reading. 808-721-3605 or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 2, April/May 2014.
April 7, 2014
April/May 2014 Issue, Essential oils, was on front page