Bailey offers step-by-step ways to develop an immunity to fear and provides all the tools you need to live a fearless, fulfilled life.
by Joseph Bailey
Throughout time, we have sought peace and safety by trying to out-guess the unknown. We have tried to prepare for the unexpected and the apparitions of our minds.
In an age of 24-hour cable news, when we can stay glued to the latest terrorist attack or natural disaster, the next epidemic and what the pundits tell us we should be afraid of, our efforts to control the unknown and keep ourselves safe have led to a collective as well as a personal sensation of fear. Though we have become addicted to fear, we needn’t become adrenaline junkies.
Bailey offers step-by-step ways to develop an immunity to fear and provides all the tools you need to live a fearless, fulfilled life. He tells us not to let fear rule our lives and guides us through a process of how discovering who we truly are immunizes us from our own fears, as well as those of others.
He takes us through a process of knowing, listening to and honoring our own unique true self, of being willing to listen to our truth and act from it without seeking approval, of being willing to forgive ourselves and others, and to take responsibility for what we create.
$17.95 hardcover — Conari Press, an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC., 500 Third St. Ste. 230, San Francisco, CA 94107.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 2, April/May 2009.
April 16, 2012
Book review