The true experience of prosperity is not determined by how much money you have accumulated, but how much you appreciate and enjoy the present blessings in your life.
by Joy Abrams —
We all deserve prosperity in this new year. So let’s explore some feng shui tips that can help you access the prosperity you are hoping for.
First, it is important to understand that there are financial empowering areas in your home that can help with this. Contemporary methods of feng shui associate these areas with the back left corner of any space. If you stand facing the front door, the empowering financial areas are at the entire back left side of your house.
Empowering areas also exist within each room on the far left-hand side of each room as you look in from the doorway.
Now that you have identified these areas, here are easy tips to increase the chi or energy to bring prosperity wishes to fruition.
• Clear out clutter from your empowering areas — Clutter weighs you down and will not allow positive energy to flow, contributing to stagnant energy that can interfere with your cash flow. Getting rid of clutter is the most powerful way to create a positive shift in money matters.
• Repair items in your empowering areas — Examine all of your empowering areas to see if anything needs to be repaired. Anything that does not work well in these areas is a sign that something is not working well with your prosperity. It is time to fix the loose doorknob, stuck drawer, broken clock and so on. If you are not handy, find someone who is. It will be a worthwhile investment.
• Enhance your empowering spots with symbols of prosperity — You can use Chinese symbols of bamboo or Chinese coins. If these don’t appeal to your personal tastes, use items that are meaningful to you, such as a picture of your dream house or a dream vacation.
• Use the color green in this area — Green is particularly appealing because it is a combination of blue and yellow. Blue is for yin, and yellow is for yang. This is a combination that is in perfect balance. Place green grapes in a bowl in your kitchen. Use live green plants in your bedroom.
• Pay close attention to how you handle your money every day — Keep money neatly in your wallet, or use a money clip. Place your checkbook in a nice green cover and make sure to pay your bills on time. If you neglect your money, it will neglect you.
Money is a form of energy and needs to flow through your life. Give generously within your means. If you don’t have money to give at this time, then give of yourself. Giving time, caring and compassion are extremely meaningful as well.
• Take a few moments each day to express gratitude for the good things in your life — The more you take time to express gratitude for the good things you receive, the more they will appear in your life.
The true experience of prosperity is not determined by how much money you have accumulated, but how much you appreciate and enjoy the present blessings in your life. As you repair and improve your empowering areas, keep in mind that when you celebrate the richness of wonderful friends, family and a spiritual life, material blessings will come to you more readily as well.
Joy Abrams is an international author, feng shui and yoga master and empowerment specialist. She offers feng shui consultations and teaches feng shui courses that give ASID credits to designers. 602-791-5223, www.aaafengshuiandyoga.com or www.empowermentwithjoy.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 1, Feb/Mar 2009.
March 5, 2012
Feng shui, Home and Garden, Money and Financial