Inner bliss means something much deeper. It means living life from a place and in a way that nourishes and renews our body, mind and spirit continually.
by Ada Porat —
Finding one’s bliss is a way of life, not just something to acquire. Bliss is not about more pedicures, massages or other forms of self-indulgence; it is not even about outer grooming or taking better care of our bodies. These activities represent very small slices of true bliss, but by no means all of it.
Inner bliss means something much deeper. It means living life from a place and in a way that nourishes and renews our body, mind and spirit continually.
True bliss is about aligning our lives with what brings us joy, choosing to do what energizes and renews us from the inside out. It means owning our truth and aligning our outer life with that inner wellspring of life. As we start aligning our actions, choices and behaviors with our inner truth, something magical happens triggering a release of inner power that may have been long dormant.
Over time I became more and more aware of a deep inner presence that brought peace, joy and harmony to every area of my life. I started living from a place of spiritual bliss.
Sharing the way to this blissful space has become my passion. And yes, you can live from this space, too.
All human beings have spiritual thirst. They desire to connect with their inner truth. They want to tap deep into the inner well of sacred power and joy. They may know about it but many don’t know how to reach it.
Living from that inner core of bliss requires that you make space for spirituality in your life. It may call for some serious spiritual and emotional housecleaning — cleaning out old beliefs and behaviors, and getting rid of mental clutter and habits that have lingered in the forgotten corners of our life. The resulting process of personal transformation will be worth it in every way.
Along the journey, you will find your perspective shifting from self-judgment to healthy self-respect. This process will redefine how you see life, yourself and others. It will clarify what healthy boundaries look like. It will also open up the way for you to engage from that space of inner power, filling your life with the bliss of living your truth and loving it.
In your search for bliss, remember this: you were created to play big, not small. Playing big is your inherent birthright as a soul. Spirit is always ready to heap on you all the bliss you can stand, but you need to make space for it in your life.
If you want more joy and bliss in your life, I invite you to create space for it now, so that you can enjoy living from that inner place of peaceful power.
Ada Porat is an energy kinesiologist and life balance coach with extensive international teaching and clinical experience. She uses body, mind and spirit techniques to help clients live from their inner core of bliss. www.AdaPorat.com or 602-283-4628.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 27, Number 3, June/July 2008.
August 9, 2012
Happiness, Metaphysical, Peace / peace of mind, Self-improvement, Spiritual