Floating World

Floating World

These are pure sensations of beauty and pleasure, in honor of the diversity and triumph of the human spirit.

These are pure sensations of beauty and pleasure, in honor of the diversity and triumph of the human spirit.

by Riley Lee and Marshall McGuire — 

This collection of French, Japanese and Australian compositions evokes imaginary landscapes through the shakuhachi flute and harp.

In presenting three pavanes of Maurice Ravel and Gabriel Faure they pay homage to the ancient dance; three tracks present Erik Satie’s three celebrated “Gymnopedies,” which are evocations of young athletes in ancient Spata and Crete.

Additional tracks include tributes to the works of Claude Debussy, Marcel Tournier, and Anne Boyd’s ethereal music that was inspired by the words of 12th century mystic Hildegard of Bingen.

These are pure sensations of beauty and pleasure, in honor of the diversity and triumph of the human spirit.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 23, Number 1, February/March 2005.

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