Getting to 50/50: How Working Parents Can Have It All

Meers and Strober are two working moms who believe that everyone wins when men are full parents and women have full careers.
by Sharon Meers and Joanna Strober —
Meers and Strober are two working moms who believe that everyone wins when men are full parents and women have full careers.
They know that families thrive not in spite of working mothers, but because of them.
The key is tapping into your best resource and most powerful ally — your spouse.
The starting point is an attitude shift that puts you and your husband on the road to 50/50.
Included are real-world solutions for parents who want to get ahead in their careers and still get to their children’s soccer games; strategies for working mothers facing gender bias in the workplace; advice to fathers new to the home front; and tips for finding 50/50 solutions to deal with issues of money, time and much more.
$18.95 — Viva Editions, an imprint of Cleis Press, Inc., 2246 Sixth St., Berkley, CA 94710.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 4, August/September 2014.
August 30, 2014
August/September 2014 Issue, Book review