A mind-body-spirit approach addresses these three critical, holistic aspects of one’s being, opening the door to true balance and emotional, physical, and spiritual healing and well-being.
by Dorothy M. Neddermeyer —
Transforming the conditioning psychological patterns and unconscious beliefs arising from our personal histories and adaptations is an effective way to transform the mind, body and spirit. Healing these emotional issues at their core helps us address the all-important relationship we have with our true spiritual nature.
Such an innovative, highly effective method for achieving complete and total healing is direct and focused, combining the process of healing one’s past with creating one’s future. This allows the subtle and effective transition toward self-discovery and empowerment.
The result is the transformation of how you feel, sense and experience mass consciousness, as well as your individual consciousness. A mind-body-spirit approach addresses these three critical, holistic aspects of one’s being, opening the door to true balance and emotional, physical, and spiritual healing and well-being.
Well-being comes from the understanding of the self, one’s family, the local community in which we live, and the global community of which we are a part. We are each only one part of the whole; each of us is here to express our unique piece of the whole.
Knowing Self creates a sense of, “I am a piece of this whole,” different and one at the same time.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D., is a certified hynotherapist and regression therapist specializing in mind, body, spirit healing, past life regression, habit cessation, and emotional, physical and sexual trauma. She is the author of If I’d Only Known … Sexual Abuse In or Out of the Family: A Guide to Prevention. www.drdorothy.net or 480-704-0603.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 4, August/September 2006.
January 2, 2013
Healing, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical