Keep in mind when you view a commercial for a skincare product, the results generally are superficial and will ultimately make little difference in your skin’s appearance.
by Linda Leibl —
You may consider yourself “ageless,” in many ways, whether you’re in your 30s or 80s. Perhaps you don’t mind celebrating birthdays so much, but you don’t want to look your age, either. If you are like many of my clients, you probably have a list of problem areas on your face and neck that you would like softened, reduced or eliminated altogether. And like my clients, you may have spent hours investigating alternative cosmetic treatments, and perhaps procedures as extreme as surgery.
As you begin to consider and research the different treatments available, a myriad of questions will come to mind. What you really need is someone trustworthy who can provide honest answers about the side-effects, downtime, pain, and any risks associated with the different cosmetic treatments and procedures. Other questions will likely address follow-up, maintenance and, of course, the costs involved.
This was definitely true for my clients. Furthermore, they were concerned about the reputation, integrity, training and experience of the individuals performing the treatments. Because there are so many levels of expertise, they weren’t comfortable using someone without a referral from a trusted source.
Ask your friends for referrals
Most of my clientele are mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, coworkers, neighbors, bosses and clients of friends who have been referred to me over the last 12 years. Women are great networkers and sources for referrals, offering a safe, comfortable place to begin researching skincare alternatives. Choose someone near and dear to you with beautiful skin, and ask what they are doing and who they are seeing to achieve their ageless appearance.
Whether you have a referral or not, make sure the specialist you select has completed several levels of training and performed several hundred treatments. You may not feel confident that you know the right questions to ask, so remember their information will likely be an opinion based on their experience. If they have not been in the field very long, or you feel uncomfortable with their responses or explanations about particular procedures, thank them for their time and move on.
I have been consistently active in the industry since I received my license in 1986, and have witnessed an explosion of what I call “elementary facials.” These are wonderful fluffy facials, clinical facials and spa facials that are performed on the outer layers of the skin, and will give your skin a beautiful glow by removing the dead cells. Generally pretty safe, their only side-effect is 12 to 36 hours of light flaking. Overall, these are superficial improvement facials, particularly useful for those 15 to 35 years of age.
Two things to be aware of, however: the older and more damaged your skin, the sooner the glow will disappear. Also, many treatments do not include the neck, so if that is a particular concern of yours, ask to be sure it is included in the treatment. After age 35, you will likely need to consider something more dramatic if you want to slow down the skin’s aging process.
In the last decade, we have been exposed to many anti-aging treatments and procedures. Keep in mind when you view a commercial for a skincare product, the results generally are superficial and will ultimately make little difference in your skin’s appearance. Basically, the products and machines marketed on television work well for someone 16 to 26 years of age with normal skin, but they won’t have much impact on damaged or aged skin.
The results you will receive from an experienced professional, on the other hand, will extend far beyond any product or machine you can purchase. The best come from an experienced professional who not only has treated hundreds of clients and patients, but also uses better equipment. This combination of experience and superior equipment can take you from superficial, temporary results to accelerated, “healthy aging” results. Just as a trainer helps you reshape your body, a professional aesthetician works on your skin to keep it in tip-top shape.
Amazing workout for your face
How would you like to discover a treatment that would tighten your face and neck muscles? The results are not only immediate after each 60-minute session, but leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated — for about the same price as a luxurious massage.
You can look years younger with this new, exciting treatment that has Hollywood buzzing. Experience the same type of treatments that Sandra Bullock, Jamie Lee Curtis, Meryl Streep, Mel Gibson and many other famous celebrities do.
With the Hollywood Facial Sculpturing Treatment, there are no harmful side-effects, no redness or swelling, no pain or discomfort, and no downtime or recovery. You will emerge from the facial table refreshed and ready to resume your daily routine. You might think this sounds too good to be true, and that is understandable. Many have has been where you are now and the skepticism of those who try this technique quickly fades … right along with their creases, lines and wrinkles, and sagging skin. This treatment is quickly sweeping the nation — you can be the first in your circle to look younger.
Linda Leibl, B.S., Cl.Aest., founded Advanced Skin Technology in Scottsdale, Ariz., in 1993. www.mybeautifulskin.com, 480-443-3445 or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 4, August/September 2007.
September 17, 2012
Aesthetic procedures, Alternative Therapies, Anti-aging, Beauty and Appearance, Skin