The brain’s amygdala is a missing piece of the wellness puzzle. This strangely named part of the brain is a tiny, almond-shaped piece of grey matter tucked away deep in the center of the brain.
by Carol Keppler —
The brain’s importance in living a productive life is a given. But many people struggle in a society where brainpower is that which puts one at the top of the ladder.
To date, we are still without solid evidence of a “cure” (reversal of symptoms) for most brain disorders. These issues include: developmental delays, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and senility, autism, suicidal tendencies, amygdala malfunction, iatrogenic damage (doctor caused) and brain fog.
The good news is that the brain can repair itself just like all other parts of the body, and hope abounds with the new HydroNoetics from AltWaters Technology™ system. This new energy medicine treatment is ready to be examined as an all-natural alternative to drugs, therapies and surgery.
Pay attention to your amygdala
The brain’s amygdala is a missing piece of the wellness puzzle. This strangely named part of the brain is a tiny, almond-shaped piece of grey matter tucked away deep in the center of the brain. It can make you everybody’s best friend and help you engage in a rich and varied social life.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, it can bring on fear, anxiety and panic; faulty decision-making; poor social skills; lack of caution and inability to recognize danger; cognitive and behavioral problems; and violence and aggression.
Most of us were born with a healthy amygdala, but somewhere along the path of childhood to adulthood, circumstances occurred that damaged this sensitive piece of the brain, sometimes to the point of total loss of function. This storehouse of traumatic emotions is implicated on some level with most brain issues.
Malfunction (or total nonfunction) may originate from physical or sexual abuse, assault, or exposure to a life-threatening accident or natural disaster. Although there may be no physical injury to the brain, changes occur in the way the brain works. The brain goes into survival mode — on the defensive with reactive behavior, impulsivity and hypervigilance. It elicits a fight-or-flight response to a fearful world as a matter of survival.
This can even happen during a difficult birth or an incident of elder abuse. The change may be instantly noticeable or it can come on slowly. But quality of life is never the same, be it for a child, adult or animal.
Ten years after the 9-11 tragedy, those who were caught in the midst of the horror of buildings collapsing, smoke and fire say they have never fully recovered from the terror of it all. Hurricane Sandy, which demolished much of the east coast in 2012, also left a trail of broken people behind.
A grief-stricken mother of a newborn wept over her baby when she learned that the death of her own mother was kept from her until after the birth. And Jennifer, now 70, has battled an unknown monster her entire life. Those who have a damaged amygdala or a nonfunctioning one like Jennifer share a litany of difficulties, all of which are emotionally debilitating. We hear about the anguish of ill health, emotional instability, a life of failures, rocky relationships, no friends, self-doubt, distrust of God — and the list goes on and on. The suffering is often too much to bear and, as a sufferer said, “taking the bridge” can seem like the only way out of the misery.
Animals, too, are changed after suffering abuse, neglect, abandonment and the same disasters as their masters. At a rescue facility, you seldom see them cowering at the back of their cage. They growl and bark at strangers or wet on carpets, and get punished again and again.
Psychologists are available for people, and animal communicators are available for the dogs, cats and horses — but it takes lots of time and expense to do the repairs, if even possible. If not, drugs to mask the symptoms are always the last ditch attempt used to make them feel and/or appear normal.
A recent breakthrough called HydroNoetics is being used to repair or, in some cases, regenerate the amygdala. It is available for both people and pets. We have witnessed total turnarounds within weeks using these water-based formulas programmed with the signatures of thousands of herbs and other “naturals,” opening up a world of hope for those who have discovered this new energy medicine.
Source: hijackedbyyourbrain.com.
Carol Keppler, M.Ed., is a master energy intuitive who performs energy scans of the body. She is CEO of AltWaters Technology™ and COO of Energy Medicine Foundation. 602-996-9753, www.altwaters.com or www.energymedicinefoundation.org.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 1, February/March 2014.
February 17, 2014
Energy / energetic medicine, Family, Featured, February/March 2014 issue, Health Concerns, Pets