Insights are accompanied by step-by-step instructions to help any student adopt a relaxed superstar lifestyle.
by Cal Newport
What if getting into your choice of schools did not require four years of excessive A.P. classes, overwhelming activity schedules and constant stress?
Newport explores the world of relaxed superstars — students who scored spots at the nation’s top colleges by leading low-stress and authentic lives.
Drawing from extensive interviews and cutting-edge science, he explains the surprising truths behind these superstars’ happiness and admissions success, including: why doing less is the foundation for becoming more impressive; why demonstrating passion is meaningless but being interesting is crucial; why accomplishments that are hard to explain are better than accomplishments that are hard to do.
These insights are accompanied by step-by-step instructions to help any student adopt a relaxed superstar lifestyle — proving that getting into college does not have to be torture to be survived, but instead can be the reward for living a genuinely interesting life.
$12.99 — Broadway Books, an imprint of Crown Publishing Co., 1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 29, Number 6, December 2010/January 2011.
April 13, 2012
Book review