When you are open to identifying and reading energy, you can become a better healer, therapist, doctor or chiropractor. In fact, any professional can benefit from the ability to read energy.
by Rochelle Sparrow —
Do you remember the scene in the movie The Miracle Worker, when Heller Keller first learns from her teacher, Ann Sullivan, what the sign for water is? She connected the sense of water with the sign that represents water. That is what reading energy is like — recognizing the energy’s signature or identity.
Let us say you place a glass of water on a rug in the middle of the room. Then, you take away the water and dump it into the sink. The glass of water may be gone, but its energy is still there in the middle of the room. The same thing happens with people. You can read the identity of people by reading their energy.
There is father energy, mother energy, and sister and brother energies. Any object has a corresponding energy attached to it. So, if you make a list of words, such as sun, moon, crystal, ball and teacher, and then take away the words, the energy of the words remains for you to identify and interpret.
When you read energy, you may not be able to see its physical presence. In fact, its physical presence may not even be in your same time zone. It can be from the past, present, or perhaps in the distant future.
Energies can exist in present time from other places in time — their existence does not stop even though the time has passed. Conversely, energies from the future exist in time right now, and your psychic senses read those energies as though they exist today. It is as though time is collapsed into a thin wafer. Often, you cannot read energy from the past. If the energy of father comes in through your senses, for example, it may be past, present or future. If the energy feels distant, it may have been in the distant past or far in the future.
Most people’s psychic ability is related to their physical senses, or clairsentience. Millions of years ago, people were metamorphosing into their present-day evolution. The memories of all the experiences throughout your evolution are stored in your sensory memory, which is part of your unconscious. Your senses remember your energetic experiences. These memories may even reproduce themselves in your dreams. Once you can identify your sensory memories, which most people can do through guided meditation, you can train your senses to read energy.
When you are open to identifying and reading energy, you can become a better healer, therapist, doctor or chiropractor. In fact, any professional can benefit from the ability to read energy. As an added benefit, you become more empowered by understanding yourself for a new level of experience. Your added ability to know yourself on a deeper level can help you live a more conscious and joyous life.
Rochelle Sparrow, MSW, LCSW, is a psychic trance channel, author and media personality who provides seminars to help people master the art of reading psychic energy. www.rochellesparrow.com or 602.430.6447.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 4, August/September 2005.
November 2, 2013
Healing, Metaphysical, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical