Angels send messages through music, on billboards, on license plates, in movies, through repetitive number sequences, through people around us and various other methods.
by Kandi Ann Chehade —
Angels are all around, continually sending us messages. However, most of us receive these messages on a subconscious level. For example: Have you ever been worried or thinking about someone while watching TV, and heard the actor’s next line: “Don’t worry, I’m just fine honey”?
Another example: When you are experiencing joy or sorrow in your love life and you turn on the radio, it seems every song has been hand-selected just for you. Absolutely! This is just another of the many ways our Angels communicate with us.
Angels send messages through music, on billboards, on license plates, in movies, through repetitive number sequences, through people around us and various other methods. The most important thing to do is trust in the messages as you begin to notice them. When you trust in these messages, you’ll receive even more of them.
Want to have some fun? Try this: next time you are having a challenge making a choice between two or more things, take a minute to ask your Angels for help with the decision. Simply say, “Angels, I really desire to vacation in Hawaii this year, but I have also been thinking about France. Please send me multiple signs, so I have clarity about which choice would be best for me.”
Then consciously start to recognize the signs they send. Here’s what could happen:
- You may turn on the TV and see an airline advertising special rates on trips to Europe.
- A friend calls you, talking about the French fries she just made in her new deep fryer.
- Driving one day, you notice a bumper sticker that catches your eye — “I Love Paris.”
Before you know it, you’ll find yourself in the attitude of gratitude, “Thanks, Angels. I’ll go to France.”
See how our Angels communicate with us? It’s truly awesome. All we have to do is simply ask for the signs, remain alert, pay attention and trust the messages we receive. It’s really that easy.
Kandi Ann Chehade is an Angel connector and channel with Angelworks. For more than 10 years, she has connected people with their Angels and loved ones who have crossed over, offering positive and uplifting messages. www.angelworks.us or 602-881-5425.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 4, August/September 2007.
September 19, 2012
Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical